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Comment Pneumatic tubes and dirigibles need love too (Score 1) 225

In addition to rope systems we should also use pneumatic tubes. Mail in Manhattan used to be transported across town efficiently, until GM convinced the Post Office to switch to trucks.

I also expect any day now for passenger dirigibles to make a comeback. Popular Science can't be wrong. They've been saying it since 1974.

Comment Already doing this in Dallas (Score 1) 349

Tollways in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX have done away with all toll booths and replaced them with cameras too. They'll mail you a bill for the tolls on a periodic basis, though you can still get a toll tag (RFID?). We don't live there but were driving on the tollways over the holidays. We have yet to receive a bill as we live out of state. So, depending on how accurate the system is, you may or may not get a bill. We'll pay it if it ever shows up.

Low Quality Alloy Cause of Shuttle Main Tank Issue 118

BJ_Covert_Action writes "NASA engineers have finally discovered the root cause of the cracks that have been found on space shuttle Discovery's main external tank. The main tank, one of the 'Super Lightweight Tank' models developed by Lockheed-Martin, employs an aluminum-lithium alloy developed by Lockheed-Martin specifically for this application. The new alloy is used in various structural stringers throughout the SLWT design. Unfortunately, the batch of this alloy used in the tank that is currently mated with the Discovery shuttle appears to be of low quality. The alloy used in the stringers has a 'mottled' appearance, compared to the nominal appearance typically used in the main tank stringers (see picture in article). This appearance is indicative of a fracture threshold that is significantly lower than typical. NASA has determined, through testing, that this low grade alloy has only 65% of the fracture strength of the nominal alloy typically used. NASA engineers have devised a potential fix to the problem that they are currently testing to ensure the repair will cause no unintended consequences. NASA plans to have the Discovery shuttle ready to launch again by February 24th, 2011."

Comment It takes lots of fossil fuels to produce ethanol (Score 1) 586

The corn grown took fossil fuels to plant, grow, and harvest. So the energy return on investment was very low. Cellulosic ethanol is still years away. The ethanol boondoggle basically became a big giveaway to agribusiness (Cargill and ADM) and did nothing to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. The other problem is that even if we could grown all our corn organically, there would still be competition between growing crops for fuel and crops for food. We cannot put enough land under cultivation at our current consumption rate.

The only organic fuel that has the potential to replace fossil fuel on a large enough scale is biodiesel from algae. It could produce more oil per acre than almost any other plant but there are still problems to be worked out and scaled up. We'll still have to drastically change our lifestyle to live in more compact cities with greater public transportation. Even if we could go all electric with solar and wind, we still would have to use tremendous amounts of lithium and I don't there's enough in the world to make that possible.

My point is we are running into hard physical limits and to solve those problems require vast leaps in technology and energy production ability that are beyond what is even feasible with our rate of technological change. We can transition away from fossil fuels but it won't be easy and it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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