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Comment Re:I don't know how things work in the UK (Score 2, Funny) 572

I dunno, I'm anxious to come and visit the US as soon as humanly possible. From this side of the pond it looks all it would take is pretty much anything you can scream loud enough about and there would be millions of dollars in lawsuits. I can't wait to visit your great country. My lungs are big, my throat is strong, and I can scream like a cicada. I'm gonna be rich!

Comment Re:Net neutrality (Score 3, Insightful) 340

Without government control of the internet the same search logs would be kept and used against you by the RIAA. Who do you think is "more bad"? Which one do you trust less? Do you honestly think that without government regulation you'd be able to withstand the onslaught of megacorps (or whatever power structure would exit in the absence of said regulations)?

Comment Re:Democracy (Score 1) 229

Well, from my understanding (not as US citizen), your votes *choose* the people who will be voting for you, from a pre-approved list. The Soviet Union also had the appearance of voting. Just because you put something on a ballot doesn't really mean you get to choose, or produce.

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