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Comment I don't think the Data is that relevent (Score 1) 136

If the names and passwords come from someone cracking them on a big scale I think it says more about the pass list it used than what people are actually using as passwords. For a example if I ran a tiny password list with just a few like letmein love dolphin 12345 password peace god sex etc. I'd no doubt crack a lot of accounts but the amount of people using those exact password could be pretty small. Doesn't mean I couldn't assemble a huge amount of cracked accounts but the password data wouldn't reflect the true picture.

Hope that makes sense.

Comment Already taxed to death (Score 1) 190

Taxed on our wage directly then taxed extra on every item then taxed again if we sell on the item?

It's got to be a joke living in the UK everything is rising in price and less jobs about something is going to snap.

The taxes are really ridiculous though and hidden everywhere and they will use any excuse under the sun to fine you I wouldn't mind so much if they had any sense with the money but it seems to mostly go to Europe and Immigrants.

Comment Re:text editors, compilers (Score 0) 248

I agree

Also there is the issue that anyone who is skilled enough to hack anything major will write their own tools anyway, trying to ban software isn't going to do a thing except make systems harder to secure in the long run and more open to hackers and foreign governments alike.

Legislation like this has the potential to backfire tenfold.

Comment Re:Useful for audiophile pirates, though (Score 1) 391

I've been wondering what would happen if you just made a bunch of fake mp3 files for every file you wanted a free copy of I know it couldn't be this simple to trick them but the service does seem to invite the possibility of being fooled somehow.

I''m not buying into this whole cloud fad myself I think I'll stick to physical storage.

Comment Tiny Battery Life (Score 1) 103

I might be spoiled in the fact my netbook has around 13 hour life but when I start to get within roughly the 3 hour mark I usually think about charging it. With this having mere 3.5 hours battery life I just can't take it seriously and I certainly wouldn't leave home with it.

With the windows key and the terrible battery I'm thinking someone just wanted to jump on the chromebook buzz as of late and shift some poor performing computers.

On a totally unrelated note I don't like the idea of chromebooks at all personally just much to limited I'd rather have a real OS.

Comment I'm skeptical (Score 1) 120

Interesting I was considering buying a solargorilla a few months ago but I found it to hard to believe you could actually power something like a laptop straight from the sun. I find it less likely that panels on a laptop itself could be enough to power it maybe trickle charge it when it's off but even then I'm thinking it would take way to long to be of any real world use.

I may of course be completely wrong and maybe it is in fact possible in countries that have a lot of sun I've a feeling I'd be wasting my money in the UK. I still like the idea of having a self sufficient power source I just don't think the technology is there yet.

Comment Re:Was it really worth it, Sony? (Score 2) 288

I've never bought a bad Samsung product to be honest and lately that is all I have been buying. To be fair I do tend to go for their top of the line stuff and I've yet to have anything let me down I'd actually say their my favourite brand at the minute I think their pushing technology faster than anyone else and let's face it most apple devices are just recased Samsung chips.

Just my opinion of course but I really believe they are heading in the right direction lately.

Comment Re:Following Google to Stupidity (Score 1) 591

Not the only one I refused to upgrade to 4 as well lately I've been using the 3x branch of Palemoon and I'm experimenting with Safari a bit since I had it installed anyway and only recently discovered it had an adblock extension. Firefox's decision to copy chrome put me off it and I've actually been advising people to ditch it lately even if that means giving them Chrome itself.

I always liked firefox and had been using it since it's early betas but I really don't like thing's like hiding the menu's and url bars in my opinion it just makes browsing much more work.

Comment Re:Was it really worth it, Sony? (Score 1) 288

I actually think Samsung is the new Sony if you are talking about the old Sony who actually made high quality hardware I still have an old Sony walkman that looks like new and is barely larger than a cassette tape that was quality. I think Apple is starting to be more like the evil Sony we have all seen a lot of as late I suspect it's the music/movie industry that's dragging these companys down that road and slowly killing them as well.

The really annoying thing is I used to like Sony a lot and I still want the next gen portable it actually looks like they have made all the right decisions on that one, but If that is ever going to happen they are going to have to seriously change their attitude to their own customers and stop trying to lock everyone into their drm crazy formats.

Comment Re:"Open Media" (Score 1) 201

I've been using miro a while mainly for video podcasts which it is very good for and I don't like the sound of it copying itunes myself. I have itunes on another computer solely for my ipod and both it and it's accompanying bonjour are a horrible software.

I guess the simplest thing I can do is just not update it again I know this is an extreme reaction but I've been using it on my netbook and don't like the sound of more bloat I just don't need it.

Comment Re:Apple Stores (Score 2) 636

Strange but true:

There is only one Apple Store where I live and I went into it once and only once to buy an Ipod Touch, when I enquired I was told they had none in stock. This wasn't anytime near a release of a new model or any demand for them. I just don't get how they can only sell a few things yet not actually keep them in the shop to buy.

It seemed like a really strange place were some seriously strange looking people were just staring at the displays like zombies I have to admit I felt uncomfortable just being in there.

So as an actual shop I think they are completely useless I did buy one that day by the way about 30 meters around the corner in a real Electronics shop. I also picked up a non apple netbook at the same time.

I do like my Ipod and do use it a lot but it's the only apple product that appeals to me although I do love my gadgets and toys.

Comment Re:BSG chose bullets over lasers (Score 1) 158

I can't remember what novel it was exactly but I've definitely read a sci-fi book series where they actually accelerate a ship up close to light speed and then release grains of sand towards a planet and each single grain gave a nuke type effect when hitting.

Was something along the lines of the speed increasing the mass of the grains and giving them immense energy, I thought it was a pretty clever idea and would definitely be a killer weapon if it was ever possible. It's annoying me I can't remember the book

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