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Comment Re:conservatives (Score 4, Insightful) 759

Protip: It is near impossible to change people's political ideologies, and it is completely impossible to change the ideology of people when you insult them.

But I don't want to step over your point, which is accurate. The conservative's main voter base (blue-collar, working class, middle-americans) are the ones hurt the most by Republican policy. And yet they vote for the same policies time after time out of a belief that liberal politicians are immoral, or anti-jesus, or hate families or something.

Comment Bleh! (Score 0) 461

Wow. I'm used to article summaries that have opinion or conjecture thrown in, but the only "information" in the summary here is the friggin title! Cmdr Taco I am disappointed.

Comment Re:Running out? (Score 2, Insightful) 475

Doesn't most of it just get released back into the atmosphere? Sure, it's not contained underground or anything, but it's not REALLY "disappearing", exactly.

That's the problem. Helium collects in underground deposits and we drill down and collect it as it escapes. When helium dissipates into the atmosphere it is essentially gone to us.


Anti-Depressants Used Against StarCraft Addiction 258

dotarray writes "Hope may be at hand for the poor souls addicted to video games. Recent research from South Korea has shown that a common anti-depressant, Bupropion (sold as Welbutrin, Zyban and Voxra) can 'decrease craving for Internet game play' as well as the brain activity triggered by video game cues. This is a drug often used to help quit smoking, to lose weight or to recover from drug addiction, in addition to typical anti-depressant and anti-anxiety uses. And, with Korean scientists already on-board, how better to test this theory than to gather up a bunch of StarCraft players?"

Submission + - Warren Spector Wants to Make Duck Tails Game (

DIplomatic writes: From Deus Ex to Mickey Mouse to...Duck Tales? It may seem an unlikely career path, but it's the dream for Deus Ex creator Warren Spector.

Asked by IndustryGamers whether his upcoming Epic Mickey could pave the way for more Disney titles, Spector is unashamedly enthusiastic, saying "A day does not go by where I don't tell somebody at Disney: "Gimme the ducks. Gimme the ducks!"

User Journal

Journal Journal: 3 Reasons the "Ground Zero Mosque" Debate Makes No Sense

I don’t usually write about politics. It’s important, but something I want no part of – kind of like a raw sewage treatment facility. But frankly, I haven’t been this upset in a long time. And it’s due to the logic-hating, herd-mentality rhetoric that some have been flinging in opposition to the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque.” For the uninitiated, there are plans to construct an Islamic Community center in lower Manhattan. And, of course, lower Manhat

Comment Simplified (Score 1) 1

The thing is "Natural Language" commands aren't really necessary. Let's use search engines as an example. Remember Ask Jeeves? You could type in "What date does Easter fall on for 2011?", but people had no problem going to Google or Yahoo and searching "easter 2011".

IMHO the command line is all about speed and simplicity. "Please" and "But also" just seems silly.

Submission + - Beautiful Inception Infographic (

DIplomatic writes: An infographic depicting the climax of the film Inception. It's not exactly a spoiler, since it probably doesn't make sense to anyone who hasn't seen the movie.

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