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Comment Re:At least they're up-front about it (Score 1) 131

Actually, it currently works in a similar way here. The Information and Communications Technologies Authority(BTK) orders ISPs to block lots of websites without declaring any reason. The fact that the "Law regarding crimes committed on the Internet" (indirectly) requires the websites to prove their innocence, while they can be taken down without notice.

They screwed up big two weeks ago when they tried to take down a list of websites including the most popular domestic social portal, which has enough cashflow to defend itself and enough influence to organize such an event.

The website itself is strictly text only(besides a couple of logos) and strictly moderated against illegal content. The reason was child porn, and then BTK declared that the portal was added to the list by mistake, but for some reason the whole order got cancelled after the reactions.


Submission + - How often is science fiction right? ( 1

kaapstorm writes: Six scientists discuss sci-fi in which the fiction's prophetic hammer gets closest to the head of their particular scientific nail. Subjects range from weapons and AI through time travel to evo-psych.

Submission + - Verizon Ruins Android Marketplace

nacturation writes: Verizon is gearing up to launch its own app store for Android phones. This app store, called V CAST Apps, is completely separate from Android’s existing Market for apps. In other words, it’s Verizon kicking their partner Google in the man region. The idea of Android is supposed to be an OS ecosystem that works across a range of carriers. In the U.S., Apple isn’t doing this, Android is. And that gives the carriers less power. The problem is that Verizon is now using Android’s openness to ruin that approach.

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