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Comment Re:Exclusives (Score 1) 327

Amazon offers both pay-per-episode video (Instant Video) and subscription video (Prime Video). Pay-per-episode has a much larger selection, and includes many TV shows and movies that are not available on any subscription service. Amazon's subscription video service has a smaller selection than Netflix does, but it is also less expensive - the price is in the same neighborhood but Amazon Prime includes a number of non-video services, notably free second day shipping.

Comment Re:I believe it... (Score 1) 327

Blocking ad hosting sites will still work, and most video ads do not come from the same server as the desired web content. The IP address is not encrypted by HTTPS, so the router has no trouble blocking it.

Blocking specific content from a site that also serves desired content will not work at the router because the router will not be able to decode the web page. Blocking it with a client-based plugin like AdBlock Plus will still work because it sees the decrypted web page.

Comment Use the credit to buy other things (Score 1) 189

You don't have to use the store credit to buy more toner cartridges, at least not if you're talking about Staples. You can instead use it to buy stuff that is discounted, which can be a good value. For example, I have bought a few Logitech M325 mice there for $10 each during the Christmas season sales.

Comment Re:Not as bad as it sounds (Score 1) 172

The payment model is similar to Spotify and other streaming music services. They take a percentage of all the money from the Unlimited subscriptions and divide it among all the books that were read. But now they are changing it to instead divide among all the pages that were read. The payment per page will be lower than the previous payment per book, but the total amount of money given out will be equal.

Those great books are mostly not being offered through Kindle Unlimited. Most of what you can get is self published works. Some are good, many more are not.

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