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Comment Re:Neither did Google (Score 1) 169

My shop used Rhino (JS running in the same JVM as your Java) to write JS automated test scripts. We've got about 800 of them now, and it's awesome. We've built it to run on multiple machines, aggregate logging, report failures, all built into our nightly build with Jenkins so we sit down in the morning and there's a list of issues waiting for us on all new code builds.

Comment Obama (Score 5, Interesting) 1576

God bless America. Or flying Spaghetti monster. Or random evolutionary processes. At least it wasn't that mutant.

Now, we have to:

1. Declare a national holiday so all can vote on a day off to eliminate the lines.
2. Get rid of the electoral college.
3. Get Congress to override Citizen United.
4. Take the money out of the electoral system.

Comment Re:Stellar application potential (Score 3, Insightful) 252

As a means to prevent malicious use of the weapon, require multiple access keys to activate it, and provide one each to the governments of the UN Security Council members. Unanimous, active participation would then be required to fire the weapon, which would only realistically be achieved due to a true threat to the entire planet.

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