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Comment Re:I'm pretty sure Titan is the home of... (Score 1) 110

Sort of. There is not appropriate oxygen OR temperature for there to be fires, but assuming there WAS. Titan's atmosphere is:
1.5x Atm -OR - 14.7psia * 1.5 = 22.05psia. Methane at this pressure is mostly liquid.
    1. Its melting point is then -279 deg(F).
    2. It would flash at -204.26 deg(F) with an ignition source.
    3. It would auto ignite (again, sufficient oxygen) at -271.02 deg(F).
However this is all very academic as the temperature on the surface averages -355.1 deg(F).


Oil won't just disappear one day, it will be a decline with a price inflation that keeps pace and will eventually jump. However oil's decline will also have an effect on population; mortality rates will rise with heating, electricity, and water shortages would cause a curbing of our population. Also there is a 200 year or better supply at even current yearly demand just under U.S. property. There is plenty of land to put to the plough, so long as we manage it correctly. Don't forget the Dust Bowl, China is having one now because they're flattening the land like we did before the 30's; instead of using land management (post mgmt Act) techniques. Balancing forces, yes?

Comment Re:I'm pretty sure Titan is the home of... (Score 1) 110

It's called the FIRE TRIANGLE. Fuel, Oxygen, Heat. In addition to all three parts, the mixture has to be perfect for combustion to occur. If the temperature/pressure is not sufficient to reach the flash point of the hydrocarbon, it will not ignite. Ever. Also the flash point is different at different pressures.

Comment Re:News For Nerds (Score 1) 191

This place has really gone the tubes.

Oh, you mean, This place has really gone down the tubes. Well to pay some homage to Mr. Carlin, 'It would seem to me, one country, one tube. But is every state all of a sudden have to have its own tube now? One tube is all you need. But a tube that big? Somebody would have seen it by now. "Hey Joey! Get a load of these *****' tubes!" '

Comment Re:Meltdown? (Score 2) 691

Worse than Three Mile Island? Just because it is billed as the "Worst Nuclear Plant release in US History" does not make it terrible. That statement literally says OUT OF WHAT HAS HAPPENED, this one trumped it. There were no significant releases other than noble gasses that would have decayed within seconds, the gas drillers are atomizing freaking radium226 into the air, and you think some irradiated NITROGEN is a problem? Try radioactive rain, irradiated garbage dumps that aren't designed to hold radioactive materials, and an irradiated water supply. Drink up. READ some

Submission + - LED Technology Reduces Chemotherapy's Side Effects ( 2

gabbo529 writes: "Medical researchers have developed a new technology that will help cancer patients stave off the effects of chemotherapy.

Called High Emissivity Aluminiferous Luminescent Substrate, or HEALS, it's a chip covered with hundreds of sand-grain sized light emitting diodes, each of which emits energy equivalent to 12 times that of the sun. The lights are in a small box that is held near the patient's head, while the light, which is in the far red and infrared part of the spectrum, shines on the skin.

The technology was originally developed by NASA for plant growth experiments on space shuttle flights."

Comment Yes, Our (Score 1) 4

Corporate Overlords would never do ANYTHING illegal. Why would Apple, Fujitsu, Scientific-Atlanta, Sony, Toshiba, or Dolby even consider illegally creating a codec monopoly? Surely they have not spent millions licensing this technology!

Comment Re:Naive Question (Score 1) 196

forté /for tay/ Adverb (or adjective) meaning âoestrongâ or âoeloud.â This word comes into English from Italian and is used chiefly in a musical context. Ex. Play this measure forté /for-tay/. forte /fort/ Noun meaning âoestrong point,â âoestrength.â This word comes into English from French. Ex. Housekeeping is not my forte /fort/.

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