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Comment Samsung's smart watch will crush the iWatch (Score 5, Interesting) 196

You'll be able to jailbreak the Samsung smart watch, load a new kernel, hell, even compile your own kernel ON THE WATCH using a complete Gnu tool chain. And you won't have to go to some curated app store to get apps for the Samsung watch. You can get 'em from anywhere. For free! How can Apple's walled garden compete with that? Samsung FTW!

Comment N9 vs. iPhone (Score 4, Funny) 176

The N9 would smash an iPhone the way the Hulk smashed Loki. Pick it up by its leg and fling into the floor, left, right, left, right, leaving iPhone-sized dents in the floor, then grunt "Puny phone" and lumber away.

Of course the iPhone, being a god, would get up, shake itself off, and go on about its business plaguing the earth.

Comment Re:"Valued"? (Score 1) 221

But you're forgetting that the typical Slashdotter is one of the the most brilliant people in the world. Sitting in his Mom's basement he can read a story about how 100 of the world's best engineers labored for years to come up with something-or-other and then find the fatal flaw in the plan before he finishes his current box of Cheetos. Either that, or the typical Slashdotter is so full of shit his eyes are brown.

Comment No coffee? Brawndo! (Score 3, Funny) 345

But we know what plants crave. Brawndo. It's got electrolytes.'

'...Okay - what are electrolytes? Do you know?'

'Yeah. It's what they use to make Brawndo.'

'But why do they use them in Bawndo? What do they do?'

'They're part of what plants crave.'

'But why do plants crave them?'

'Because plants crave Brawndo, and Brawndo has electrolytes.'

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
