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Comment Hrmm (Score 4, Insightful) 736

In my view of the industry when someone says IT I think of the technical support, admin and sys planning teams. The ones who make the systems work and keep working.

Programmers and the such, I put in the developers group. Graphic designers, html jockeys or software developers. The ones who make what people see on their desktops look pretty.

You dont call someone who washes your car and gives it a bit of a polish a mechanic would you?

Comment Yarr (Score 4, Interesting) 173

I signed up as a supporter. If you're Australian and involved in IT so should you. Even if you're not but care about censorship and IP related issues, sign up. Dont let people whose policies are dictated by industries who only have how much profit they can squeeze out as their only lobbyists on such issues.

Help fight for your own rights, dont rely on others to do the work for you. Its time, step up.

Sign up! Sign up! Sign up!

Comment Re:WoW was ruined (Score 0) 238

When I first started playing there were no 'heroic' mode instances. You had players who didnt want to raid, sure they got the blue gear. That was more than enough to do the content that they needed/wanted to do. It would be pointless even attempting to provide a armory link my characters havent been on in over 2 1/2 years. I attempted to find something else in the game that I could get enjoyment out of so I turned to multiboxing. I had 5 accounts and ran instances on my own yet even that wasnt enough to stem the frustration of seeing people geared up to the hilt but couldnt do or understand the simplest of things. They handed the purple gear out like candy and diluted its original worth.

Epic once meant what it described, eventually it became common.

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