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Comment Re:How long till the Tea partiers blame Obama? (Score 1) 338

And why is it I don't hear either side giving any real consideration to a reinstatement of Glass-Steagall? No, they want to give the power and responsibility to the FED. The very institution at the heart of the matter which also didn't see it all coming. All the talk of regulation reform is just moving deck chairs on the Titanic.

Comment Re:A false choice, of course... (Score 1) 2044

Though on other side, the question all Americans should be asking themselves is: do private insurers have better resume???

Before WWII I say they had a decent record then we got FDR's wage and price controls which set everything in motion.

One can easily bash gov't - bashing health insurers might backfire (who like all the big businesses have their hand in pretty much everything). And if gov't does shitty job, one can always vote for opposition/independent - you rarely if ever have much choice when dealing with health insurers.

The problem with this is once you create a hugh new bureaucracy those people employed by it aren't about to vote against their own lively hood.

Comment It's condensation (Score 1) 484

My dad had a similar experience with a Sony water resistant camera however the result were quite opposite. It was about 80-90 degrees out and he dunked the camera in 50 degree water hoping to get a close up of some trout. That ended up condensing the air inside the lens fogging it up on the inside. When he contacted Sony about it they were very interested in getting the camera to investigate the problem and fix it on future models as well as replacing it at no cost.

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