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Comment Re:As long as you are assured that your privacy (Score 1) 578

We're talking about part-time work-study jobs for college students - don't you think that biometric timeclocks are a little overkill? There's maybe a dozen employees, all part-time, performing menial clerical jobs, making nearly minimum wage, with 80% of their wages getting subsidized through their financial aid.

Comment Re:UK Tax Returns (Score 1) 613

Most people in the US also have taxes taken out of their paychecks throughout the year. Filing your taxes at the end of the year just handles over/under-payment & accounts from other sources of income and various sorts of deductions. People make a big deal about it but, in all honesty, I've never had to spend more than about an hour on the process (single, one regular job, no significant investments).

Comment Re:Not true (Score 1) 333

Even better - last time I restarted Firefox it popped up a message saying :

Firefox has determined that the following add-ons are known to cause stability or security problems:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant
  • Windows Presentation Foundation

These add-ons have a high risk of causing stability or security problems and have been blocked, but a restart is required to disable them completely

Comment Re:So what is it? (Score 1) 334

In a nutshell, schizophrenia is, when you stop accepting external factors for cause and effect, but start to make your own inner rules, which are detached from reality (the delusions), and act like this were the reality. They often think they would have some superhuman control over (their) "reality" too.

It's sad to think that people can be so detached from reality. I pray for them.

Comment Re:Why I still use PC for games (Score 1) 78

Distribution of physical media is expensive and, given that nearly every PC worth speaking of will be on the 'net, why bother with shrinkwrap distribution at all? Online distribution channels such as Valve's Steam and Stardock's Impulse allow you to skip over the brick and mortar middleman completely. The systems handle purchasing, online distribution, updating, network game matchmaking & present a far lower barrier to entry for small software houses while providing a mechanism for purchasing games that's as convenient as downloading a pirated copy.

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