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Comment Re:Anticipated Hardware Specs (Score 1) 229

Did you not read the linked articles at all then? They certainly brought up the fact. Personally, as a Nintendo fan, I ask why it is that the other companies in the industry insist on razor-and-blades models, selling at a loss? Nintendo's quite comprehensively proven in this hardware generation that it's far far far more profitable to go for a technology level that's able to be mass produced at a profit.

Comment Re:Anticipated Hardware Specs (Score 1) 229

Well, it's fairly evident that the fanboy hate is out in force today, if the above post has already been reduced to a 0 score. Sadly, it appears that many people simply can't accept the idea that something may be appropriate for a "core gamer" if it doesn't have a controller scheme based around 2 thumbsticks. Really does make me wonder how many of them have taken the time to actually give one of those games on the Wii a real shot. So many people just try it for 15 minutes and give up, getting too frustrated too quickly about the quirks of the controls being completely different to what they're used to on a traditional controller. There seems to be an expectation that because it's motion control, they should be able to get used to it instantly. While that's true for non-gamers who don't have a lot of habits to break, it can take a while for gamers who have become used to dual-analog sticks to adapt.

Comment Re:Only in NZ (Score 1) 333

Both New Zealand and Australia tend to be rather more liberated about language than the rest of the english speaking world, in my experience. Our politicians would be more free with what they can say during interviews for prime time news (or even in election debates) than what I gather Americans would let some of their comedians get away with after midnight. Bugger, bastard, bloody, shit-faced, wanker, etc, etc, it doesn't even rate a shrug.

Comment Re:Easy answer (Score 1) 2288

"Especially if everyone is using imperial"? Isn't this the entire point here? Everyone else, or that is to say, every other country of the world (except for two third world shitholes, one of which is currently converting to metric) uses the metric system for the vast majority of all measurements. Continuing use of the old imperial measurements by the US would be like consumers demanding companies continue to release movies in HD-DVD as well even though Blu-Ray has long since won that war. Actually, considering the gap between the systems of measurement, perhaps I should say that it's more like demanding companies release in Betamax instead of Blu-Ray.

Comment Re:When'll mitigation effort reach 73% of Chernoby (Score 1, Interesting) 537

Appeal to Authority fallacy much? Michio Kaku is an *American* Theoretical physicist whose work has little if anything to do with nuclear engineering. He is Japanese only by ethnicity (his parents both being immigrants), not that it's actually relevant to his views or their accuracy anyway. He's freely admitted in the past that he's biased against Nuclear power, due apparently to some radio programs he heard as a student, and is prominent in the anti-nuclear movement. He's also made similar alarmist remarks about nuclear power before, most notably in regards to the Cassini probe and its fuel. The guy is a great ambassador to the masses for science generally, but in this case he's just flat wrong.

Comment Re:If you're not going to read your forum ... (Score 1) 221

Yes, it's perfectly valid to not have the creative guys reading the forums on a regular basis (though if they post occasionally to make it look like they're taking an interest, it's generally a good thing), but you should certainly have support and marketing staff watching it. Those marketing guys have to remember though that the people on suc h user forums tend to be a vocal minority with an entitlement complex, who'll demand you make the game to satisfy their whims because they're your "biggest fans", no matter that the majority of the users will often want something totally different.

Comment Re:Shocking news: (Score 2) 387

Agreed. I hear a whole of people talk down on the Wii controls, including for FPS, but I've never met a single person who hasn't found the Wii controls superior after actually sitting down and playing a couple of extended sessions. So many people just try it for 15 minutes and give up, getting too frustrated too quickly about the different quirks of the controls. There seems to be an expectation that because it's motion control, they should be able to get used to it instantly. While that's true for non-gamers who don't have a lot of habits to break, it can take a while for gamers who have become used to dual-analog sticks to adapt.

Comment Re:Shocking news: (Score 1) 387

Then you're probably holding it wrong. The "arm raised pointing directly down at the screen" that so many people do is, I find, the most tiring and least precise way to hold it. Looks great in ads and at demo stations, but is horrible for actual extended gameplay.

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