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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 20 declined, 3 accepted (23 total, 13.04% accepted)


Submission + - Libreoffice supporters defend their Freiburg deployment (

Seeteufel writes: Libreoffice proponents aim to change the mind of the city administration in Freiburg, Germany. The city administration proposed the City Council to switch to Microsoft Office. Libreoffice supporters wrote a letter. Currently multiple cities consider to migrate to Libreoffice despite the massive lobbying from competitors. The decision of the City Council is a political one.

Submission + - The Saudi transformation of Mecca (

Seeteufel writes: Mecca is the holy site of Islam. The center of worshipping is a black stone (Al-ajaru l-Aswad) in a corner of the Kabah complex. Saudi Arabian pilgrimage industry lead to ongoing radical rebuilding and a destruction of the ancient sites in the holy city. This summer the Bin Laden group finished a giant skyscraper complex next to the Mosque, a 485-metre-high Mecca clock tower, the alleged birth place of Muhammed was destroyed. According to the Saudi teachings preserving ancient sites would be idolatry. Ambitious plans for Mecca 2020 comprise a strange architectural mix between the World Trade Center, Speer's Germania plans and Las Vegas. Do you think cultural heritage should be preserved?

Submission + - Canada Supreme judges want free Viagra (

Seeteufel writes: Bad news for Pfizer. The Canadian supreme court declared their Viagra patent void: "the disclosure in the specification would not have enabled the public “to make the same successful use of the invention as the inventor could at the time of his application”.

Submission + - UK Cabinet Office kicks out open standards mole (

Seeteufel writes: UK Cabinet Office kicks out an advisor, Dr. Hopkirk. His consultation work for Microsoft " could be seen as a clear conflict of interest and should have been declared by the relevant parties at that meeting." The round table organised by Hopkirk concluded that FRAND licensing was the right way for sound standard policies. The UK cabinet office will discard the results from the round table and organise another one. The formal closing date for submissions to the open standards consultation is postponed to Monday, 4th June 2012.

Submission + - Wikileaks Schmitt quits over conflict of interest (

Seeteufel writes: Daniel Schmitt, the other spokes person of Wikileaks, announced his resignation. It was revealed that he is married to the German top lobbyist of an US corporation. Wikileaks published documents from the corporation. In a radio interview the lobbyist promoted the Wikileaks plattform and explained the internal process. She also published enthusiastic journo-lobbying articles that praised her husband as her poodle.

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