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Comment Re:I could have told you that. (Score 1) 938

I would have wanted the social skills training too, but I was also suffering from a low grade depression, so I don't think it would have helped too much. That however is not why I'm replying. Being a social outcast in my youth drove me towards all things engineering/computers. It was only years later that I learned I had gone down the path of computer nerddom. I wonder if I had had the social training and the proper medication, would I have taken the same path? I might have ended up as a film maker or an architect instead of a highly skilled computer nerd. This of course is all anecdotal, but if all budding computer nerds get what they need to no longer be social outcasts will the future of computer science suffer?

Comment iPadMax (Score 2, Insightful) 367

I'd advise Fujitsu to drop it altogether. Given all the jokes going around about Maxi-iPads I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that these marketing dweeds thought that it was a good name. When the presentation was made wasn't there at least one snarky employee in the back snickering?

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
