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Comment Re:well quite a failure, chain is not dead, but (Score 1) 121

Blockchains seem to split every time there is a contentious upgrade. The blockchain cryptocurrency that wins out will be the one that is most widely accepted. The best way to think about it is that it is a fair inflation. It's (almost) instantaneous and fairly distributed to all those, who hold the legacy coin. Fears of too much dilution are pure FUD. Dilution is only bad, when it robs savers of their money. If savers have double the coins after the inflationary event (fork), then they were not robbed.

There are other effects, of course, like (possible) splintering of acceptability and therefore utility, but classic inflation is not what is happening.

Submission + - Biggest cryptocurrency bust ever (

janimal writes: It started out yesterday with an arrest of a man in Cyprus, supposedly in connection with money laundering of $4B in cryptocurrnecies. This was at first only correlated with an unplanned outage of the cryptocurrency exchange BTCE, but a release of a sealed indictment by the DOJ surpassed the wildest speculation. The bust is of both the exchange and its owner with links to multiple exchange robberies, including MtGox and laundering if possibly most of all ransomware ransoms.
The developing story on Coindesk is surely going to be one of the biggest cryptocurrency stories of 2017.

Comment Re: It makes me a little sad. (Score 2) 73

It's comments like these that keep me reading slashdot after all these years.

The reason women need to be mentioned more is to motivate them to join in. I once read that it used to be easier for women to become software engineers, because you didn't need to know anything about it to start formal studies (you still can for other engineering disciplines). Now, you already need to be in a club to belong in first year. Never mind the biological burden of childbearing. I used to resent the extra help women seem to get in the popular culture, but after living with one brilliant woman for 17 years, I don't any more. They really do have it hard, when it comes to professional commitment.

Comment Re: wonder why (Score 1) 688

And the radical right had Hitler

I'd be tempted to put Stalin on the right

Hitler rose on the foundations built by socialists. If you think Stalin rose on the foundations laid by Lenin then that would put him in the same category with Hitler. Check out "The Road to Serfdom" for an informed account.

Socialists break down social order and bring poverty. It all goes downhill from there.

Comment Re: Nope (Score 1) 341

Your riposte tells me you might not be aware of just how much the commies spied on their own.

The Stasi are just one example of a practice that is/was a hallmark of all communist states.

These guys didn't abuse their power, their entire purpose was to take snitching and spying on your own to an industrial level.

Comparing current US security institutions' spying to commie spying can be rightfully construed as insulting to the employees of said institutions.

The woman is spot on.

Comment Re: If you can't open it, do you really own it? (Score 1, Interesting) 381

Screw my mod points; had to answer.

"Just Works*" that Apple provide over being able to fix something that is broken.

I have had many laptops, tablets and phones over the years, including: Toshiba laptop, Dell XPS, Dell Latitude x4 over the years, Lenovo Thinkpad x2, Mac Book Pro and Air, Nokia phones galore, iPhones galore, iPad, Samsung Tab, Sony Netbook, Asus Eee, early Samsung smartphone.

Of all these, by far and away the Apple, Thinkpad, and Asus products have been problem free in terms of reliability. The rest have had different components and/or software die on them, sometimes this could be fixed and sometimes not. Overall, some of the worst offenders were Sony, Toshiba, and some of the early and the later Nokias.

The only Apple product failures I have had were due to physical damage. The Mac Air took a swim in champagne (yes), several iPhones shattered/drowned. I have mostly been able to fix these devices on my own, but I would not be angry if I couldn't as long as I could take them in to get fixed somewhere. They have still proved to be more robust than most competition.

While I appreciate that other manufacturers make things that can be fixed, I have to admit that I prefer stuff that doesn't break in the first place. Say what you will, I have lately opted to buy only Apple stuff and make sure I buy Apple Care or other insurance for the accidents that I know can happen. I'm not worried about them breaking on me. Even without serviceability, they still beat the competition on reliability.

Comment Re:icehouse earth (Score 2) 393

The tricky part is-- we've sort of built our civilization around the climate we currently have. Flooding the seacoast, turning farmland into desert (and tundra into farmland) all these would disrupt our civilization abruptly.

Thinking that this is any different than in prehistoric times is naive. As it turns out, much of Middle East's cities were erected around waterways that no longer exist. They didn't disappear because of man-made climate change. This is not a new problem, only this time around we can influence the rate of change to a small degree. What is debatable is whether the degree of control that we do have is enough to matter, and even if it is, is it good value for money and good use of our limited science/engineering resources relative to bigger problems, like pollution and garbage.

Comment Re:Faithfully? (Score 4, Interesting) 158

Mod this up. Any lawyer will have had this in their first class on witnesses. Memories are known to be very unreliable.

Years ago, I taught myself hypnosis, based on reading a book about it. One thing that struck me in that book was the statement that on a subconscious level, our brain cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy. It is only our consciousness (the linear reasoning part) that filters the fantasy bits and supplies appropriate metadata. As any beginner hyptnotist will learn, consciousness is off much more often than we realize.

From my own experiments, erasing someones memory of something while they are under is one of the best working mechanisms that become available to the hypnotist. When I told folks to forget my name and planted a different name in its place, the information persisted even past the session. I had to show my ID to convince the person that their memory of my name has been manipulated.

The ethical implications of this mechanism are obvious. In fact, I haven't been able to proceed in my "studies" of the phenomenon precisely because I wasn't able to deal with using the mechanism without the subject's knowledge.

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