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Comment Re:Recently? (Score 1) 669

There is one ios game that i recommend everyone to play and that is Starbase Orion. It's a Master of Orion II clone that has gone above and beyond the original. Cloudsync, multiplayer, lots of settings and no dumbed down gameplay. Fully playable on both iPhones and IPads. And if you join the forums and the community they really listen to your feedback.

Comment Re:eco-generation (Score 1) 233

Well granted i don't have first hand experience of mining at the current difficulties i'd say that you'd still make more money by just buying coins than buying GPU-hardware. If you have some monster gpu gaming-rig already and some cheap electricity you might go plus. Then there are the alt-coins where i hear it's still profitable to gpu-mine.

Comment Re:eco-generation (Score 2) 233

Not everybody who uses bitcoin mines bitcoin. To be a profitable miner nowadays you need several thousands worth of hardware. Just holding bitcoin doesn't consume any electricity, in fact you can hold bitcoin without a computer. The bitcoin ecology has shifted from an everybody who participates helps secure the network to more of a server-client relationship. As long as there are several independent mining coalitions bitcoin as system is still secure.

Comment Re:Oh, I totally agree... (Score 1) 791

I agree. If the microUSB standard was something closer to the lightning connector it might have been alright. But as it is now it's a fragile mess. And apple did keep one single connector for close to 9 years. No other brand of phone (or any consumer electronics really) is even close to that. Of course it would be wonderful if everyone just converged on a sane working standard of connectors with realistic lifecycles but i can't really see that happening.

Comment Re:Hey Bud! (Score 1) 78

That's not what address means in a bitcoin context. An address is more like an account, and if random people are using your account then you probably lose your money. The problem lies in proving who has the keys to that specific account and to do that you probably need direct access to the keyowners computer. And the smart ones keep their keys encrypted on offline computers.

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