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Comment Re:That's how it works. (Score 1) 765

"Obama HAS been the President for several years."
See, that`s the problem. The lack of facts and reality. President Obama has in fact not been President for "several years", He has been President since January 20, 2009. And BTW, Bushs two terms were responsible for alot of the crap we are dealing with today. And if the Republicans would cooperate (aka do their jobs) instead of "trying to make Obama a one term President" maybe we would be a little farther down the road.

Comment Guess what? Don`t cooperate and no network access. (Score 1) 715

Apple does`nt want to play nice? I`ll set them right up there on the shelf next to the eight-track player. Besides, now that Jobs is gone, Apple is just circling the drain. They all but abandoned their notebooks to chase iPhone and iPad sales. Give it a couple of years. It`ll be "Apple who?"

Comment Evolve. (Score 0) 532

Oh,no. Target takes a stand. News flash...stores like these sell re manufactured items and when you go to return the crap half the time you have to contact the manufacturer and RMA it back. Besides,the mouth-breathers that shop at Target (Wal-mart,etc.) don`t have the opposing thumbs needed to use the Internet. These stores need to adapt or die.

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