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Comment How about keeping quiet? (Score 5, Insightful) 197

Many of Trump's dumbest ideas have died by just stealing the relevant papers from his desk and not telling him. At some point he simply forgot. If everyone please just stop mentioning the WHO for a couple weeks, Trump will have forgotten all about it. And we can move on.

So how about a nice round of STFU?

Comment Social media will just hide behind crypto. (Score 4, Interesting) 39

It's only a question when, not if, social media will encrypt the content. WhatsApp is already encrypted and with WhatsApp groups and message forwarding (sharing) it already is a sort of social media. You can't moderate what is encrypted.

It's rather simple. As you can see in this video:

In the attention economy of the age of the smartphone, the longer the user stays in the app, the more the app gets paid. How do you get users to stay? There are some technical details, but a big part of the equation is content. The right kind of content will overcome the firewalls of the brain and attach itself directly to the emotional docking ports. What works best? Anger! Anger overcomes all natural brain barriers. And social media is the best way to find out which brain bug (piece of outrage porn) is best at it. It will get shared the most.

Why are you angry? Because social and traditional media have been tapping into this resource for their entire existence. Some more, some less.

When Facebook turns down the outrage porn (Youtube already has), they lose. At some point, they will be forced to. And the attention will move to encrypted platforms.

Comment Your sources do not back your claims. At all. (Score 5, Informative) 282

> The UK is bulk buying HCQ [].

Just because the UK is stocking up doesn't mean they think it's working. Your own source that you linked to claims that UK medical experts are still testing and will only distribute if and when they have determined it works.

> Governor Cuomo also took HCQ [] to get better when he was infected.

The article you linked to is in the New York Post. That should have given you pause. Also the article talks about Chris Cuomo. A CNN talking head. And, to top it off, he (the talking head, not the governor) did not take HCQ, but "Potentized" quinine. "Potentized" is a term from homeopathy, where they take an agent and then dilute it so much, that it is impossible to detect the original agent anymore. So the NY Post is lying in it's article. Which is expected.

On a meta note: Why is every Slashdot story related to some dumb shit the dumpster fire in the WH came up with overrun by people defending Trump? And why do those people get karma for writing really dumb "defenses"? Is Slashdot targeted by Trump's social media team or just overrun by idiots?

Comment Education should be reinvented (Score 5, Insightful) 123

Six years ago, Salman Khan of the Khan Academy did this great Ted Talk:

In it he rightly pointed out that in the age of internet video, classes shouldn't be presentations. We could still use schools and teachers. But not for presentations. Students can watch those at home, at their own time. And rewind any time they like. "Homework" could be done at school. Independent work. With teachers who can assist and other students who can help.

Yet, six years later we still have teachers hold the same presentations thousands of times all over the world, instead of holding them once and filming them. So yea. Maybe this isn't about reinventing schools, but rather about taking an invention that has been around for almost a decade and giving it a big push.

Comment Re:Fact Checks (Score 1) 83

Slashdot used to be a place, where engineers frequently groaned about marketing and c-level suits selling products before they existed on timelines that were impossible. In fact, this was something of a running gag.

Now it's all politics, and c-level execs and marketing drones are taken at face value, if it suits your specific political narrative. Facts be damned. Also links to sites like "redstate"? What the *?!?!

Comment That sub was alway masterful propaganda (Score 4, Insightful) 743

What amazed me about that particular sub was the masterful propaganda it provided. It goes so far that not even the heavy users realize how much they deceive themselves. How? This way:

It was always very, very heavily moderated. They don't delete comments, they simply ban users. Anything that looks like dissent or not agreeing with the current (subject to change) political opinions and lines from Trump will get banned right away. And the comments will get deleted. Lots of users of this forum reported they were banned themselves, even if they are ardent fans of Trump. Just because they happened to deviate from the line an inch or so one time.

This breeds complience. Thus even the most bullshit articles will only have cireclejerk comments. Since the expectation on Reddit is that bullshit content will get called out in the comments, because all subs work like this, this exception to that rule makes the outrageous bullshit content, which is mainly weird conspiracy theores (Trump also frequently peddles conspiracy theories) believable. So much so, that I think the users deceive themselves that the shitposts of QAnon, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, Project Veritas, etc. are real or in any way credible.

Quite amazing. It's a breeding ground for pure ignorance. If you want to find out about bad effects the internet is having on democracy and society, /r/the_donald is prime research material.

Comment Trump didn't really do anything (Score 1) 517

It may be worth noting that Trump did not do anything. He simply tweeted something. I am fairly certain, that Trump knows the difference between a tweet and an executive order. That means he didn't decide to throw transgender people out of the military (lots of them are already serving), but decided to communicate about military and transgender.

There are a lot of theories on what Trump's tweets are supposed to achieve. One I found pretty interesting was this: Trump doesn't have a stake in decency or respect for the office of the president or integrity of the government or any of those things. But other people do. So they are forced to react. Because they care. Trump himself doesn't. He keeps people busy that way. And he keeps himself in the spotlight.

Comment Re:So stop locating there (Score 0) 117

Does the location really matter? Slashdot is full of comments that try exactly what the summary says: Deny any sexism takes place in the tech industry as a whole. We already have a comment lamenting reverse sexism. This whole comment section will be full of similar comments denying any such problem exists at all soon. Coming from exactly the kind of people that are the problem. Which wouldn't be surprising. What gets me every time is the approval in the from of karma, which suggests that the sentiment is widespread.

Comment Global monopoly regulated by national regulator (Score 1) 29

Microsoft could have easily been properly regulated. They could have simply forced them to brake up and isolate the companies that have monopolies from other parts. It would have resulted in three companies. Windows, Office and the rest (XBox, for example).

Same with Facebook. You could acknowledge the social monopoly and split other parts like messengers or picture apps off from the main company. Or Google.

But those are all international monopolies. The US government obviously sees more benefit in letting US companies be international monopolies. As any other national government would, I suppose. This is simply the result of global markets vs national regulators. China blocked Facebook and Google from completely.

Comment Server and Desktop for me (Score 1) 113

I don't know if it is still the case, but as little as three years ago I tested various Linux distros for someone else to run on a laptop computer. Stuff that is easy to run and easy to update. I wanted to try OpenSuse. It kinda failed me in that it had obvious bugs. Too many of them. Bugs that could be fixed and all (Linux), but nothing an end user should see. I tried a couple other ones, but in the end, Ubuntu proved to be what it has been for more than a decade: A true Linux for end users. Since I prefer KDE I went with Kubuntu.

Then last year, LXD became the perfect solution for one of my personal user cases. I have been running Xenial ever since (btw. shoutout to Stephane Graber, one of the major driving forces behind lxd), even though I have been a 100% Debian guy for almost two decades now.

I don't know about embedded, but I heard they put something out for smartphones that was pretty rad.

And yes, Ubuntu wouldn't be possible without Debian. I am typing this on a Debian machine, of course.

Comment Re:already exceeding expectations (Score 2) 1560

Unfortunately, politics is a little more complicated than this. We don't know what the best answer to Putin's aggression is. Giving him Crimea without any protest and ending the sanctions might make him more hungry. Finland (along with the Baltic states) could be high on his list for future aggression. Finland has an advantage over the Baltic states, though, because Finland isn't in NATO.

Besides, what gives you a non-warmonger vibe from Trump? Have you heard him talking about ISIS or Iran? He seems ready for a full-on war with Iran over the next provocation, which happen frequently, because parts of Iran's military are unhappy with the nuclear deal. This rhetoric may be bluffing to keep Iran in line and lessen the provocations, but then, taking a hard stance on Putin's aggression follows that same philosophy.

Comment Re:Brexit will ruin this paradise (Score 1) 433

I never heard that Britain's economy was in good shape. Only their financial industry. But I have heard that Brexit is likely to make it worse, because both the financial industry will suffer and the rest of the economy as well. The one that was already in bad shape.

But I guess we will soon find out what exactly is going to happen, won't we?

Comment Re:No Suprise (Score 4, Insightful) 412

People over here in Europa defended the NSA spying on the basis that it isn't a dictatorship, but a democracy doing it. So it's all good. To which Snowden replied that the surveillance state has become a "Turnkey Tyranny".

Will Trump be the one that turns that key? Find out after the commercial break, when "The Apprentice" returns.

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