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Comment Re:Make sense (Score 1) 254

While I agree that copyrights do need to evolve, I can not agree to google's approach here: you don't violate existing laws because you're convinced your way is better. It's not communism or anything: it's democracy, and most of us here have ancestors who fought to get it. Right ?

And yes, I'm against the 3 strikes law (which isn't gonna have the intended effect, quite the opposite) and in favour of a global creative contribution

Comment Re:Found? (Score 1) 254

What happens when Google pulls the plug on all French language sites

What happens ? Simple. Google starts losing fortunes, since we kind of have something like 20 million DSL subscribers which happen to be among the most attractive in the world. Google also starts firing french employees, since they no longer have any business in france, and other advertising providers take over the market.

Yeah, google is very likely to pull french results off its index

Comment Re:Found? (Score 1) 254

Thank you for that. To be a bit more accurate, publishers have sued google for making available complete versions of books google didn't have an agreement for, BUT only books that weren't commercialized anymore. I'm hesitating here: on one hand, the publishers pretending that doing that is an insult to the author's work, making available a book that's no longer available for purchase is also a bit insulting... the only interests I see protected here are the publisher's. So... ideally, google would contest the trial's result, and this would end up in a deal everyone would benefit from. But law should be the same for everybody, whatever the size of your lawyer's team. Oh, and by the way, in response to godrik's comment above ( both left AND right wing do believe in this carbon crap. And you should too

Comment Really impressive (Score 5, Insightful) 254

Hi ! French / Frog / Egg eater (pick the one you like the most) here :) While I'm also a bit annoyed by this decision, they still have a point... but this is not what I wanna debate here. Even though I try to get the funny parts of most comments here, I am still extremely impressed by how you guys can look down on people you probably haven't ever spoke with (frenchies I mean), probably based on what you can see/read in the medias. Yes, most frenchies do look down on you the same way, but as slashdot users, who pretend to be part of the "internet revolution", which as far as I see it should provide all of us with accurate, real information standard, main stream media wouldn't provide us with. Really ironic. And yes, I do think the same about a good proportion of my fellow frenchies. No offense indended here, though.

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