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Comment Re:Mozilla and Firefox - Four Years of Fuckups... (Score -1) 154

Yeah fucking right.....

There are three reasons I despise the Mozilla bullshit artists.

1. They dump a shitty product on the market - that IS fucked and unstable; it's a resource HOG, it crashes so often and it does shit like keeping on running in the back ground after being switched off.

2. It's a 2 way street - they put up a utility for people to use - and through it's use, they gain revenue from sales and advertising. Nowhere in that implied contract - did I say I'd wear their fucking crap programming.

3. It's CORPORATION Mozilla to you Sonny Jim - the big knogs rake in about $80 or 90 million in clear profit - and the forums are filled with stupid cunts and soothsayers (idiot volunteers) like yourself that never endingly say "It's this plug in, it's that plug in, it's this extension, it's that extension, if you recode it like this, or use this program or anyone of dozens of fucking bullshit bits of advice.

The corporate big knobs rake in the cash, while the forums are filled with do-goody good fuckwits and their stupid opinions.

The truth is that Mozilla Firefox is a SHIT program.

And you and all your "Say 10 hail Mary's if the wind is blowing from the east, while you stand on your head and point your arsehole towards Mecca" fucking bullshit advice - you can go fuck yourself.

Your just another idiot from the Mozilla Firefox forums....

Fuck the Mozilla Foundation - their software is fucking crap and their BIG $$$$ corporation bullshit trip while using stupid unpaid slaves....That is customer service that is as bad as that fuckhole company called Telstra in Australia.

Comment Mozilla and Firefox - Four Years of Fuckups... (Score -1) 154

Pathetic - Fuck the Mozilla Foundation. I did it for the LULZ!!!!!!!!!


You have been banned from this board until Tomorrow, 5:38 pm.

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Ohhhh Ho Ho Ho - Fuck OFF - Mozilla Forum Admins ARE such STUPID cunts.....

Oh haaaaaa Haaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I have been baned for what? A month now without even knowing it, from a site run by stupid fucks who insist on dumping a totally SHIT product on the market - and then they bullshit their way out of fixing it.

$80 million a year in profit alone - just from Google Advertising and they sell the global community a software package that RUNS like fucking shit....

And then the fucking admins of the Mozilla site get all pissy and ban you on calling them on their SHIT BROWSER and their SHIT FOR BRAINS attitudes...

Ohhhhh hoooooooo ooooooo heeeeeeee haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Fuck that is just TOOOOOOOOOO funny!!!!!!

It's like the mechanic calling you an arsehole for calling him on the fact that he fucked your engine....

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mozilla - you fucking IDIOTS rock....


Pathetic - Fuck the Mozilla Foundation.

Comment The Shitbag Ex Prime Minister of Australia (Score -1) 394


Except for Mr Kessing. In case you have not heard, Mr Kessing was found guilty just over a week ago of leaking the contents of two classified reports that detailed serious security lapses at our airports. Those reports, one of which was buried for two years and never made it onto the desk of a senior bureaucrat or minister, were published in The Australian. Public concern over the exposé forced the Government to commission the Wheeler Review, which in turn led to one of the biggest security upgrades of airport security. If ever there was a case of a whistleblower deserving our eternal praise, this is it. Instead, he is facing prison.


More concerned about controlling information than encouraging whistleblowers to expose department inertia and ineptitude over issues of national importance, the Howard Government made sure that Mr Kessing was punished for his efforts. Prosecuted under the Commonwealth Crimes Act, forced to rely on superannuation to defend himself against a Government miffed at a leak, Mr Kessing may end up behind bars for up to two years.


There are leaks and then there are leaks. Some are right. Some are wrong. But for a Government obsessed with controlling every bit of information, there are no distinctions. Only stiff penalties for those who leak, no matter how beneficial the consequences of the leak.


As much as governments would prefer the media to simply regurgitate carefully crafted ministerial media releases, spinning the government’s daily message, that is not the role of a robust media in a healthy democracy. The very best journalism is a check on government, exposing matters of national significance. Doing what The Australian did when it forced, with the help of a whistleblower, the government to secure our airports, which sit as frontline defences against terrorism.


Protecting deserving whistleblowers such as Mr Kessing ought to be seen as a public good. Government departments will lift their game if they understand there are laws that recognise that leaks serving a genuine public interest may be justified.



3 April, 2007 Jail Shrill Prospect For Whistleblower


A former Customs Officer who leaked a classified report is facing up to two years in jail. Allan Robert Kessing, 59, was found guilty by a Sydney jury of the unlawful disclosure of information by a former Commonwealth officer. Judge James Bennett bailed Mr Kessing to appear on May 25 for sentencing. Mr Kessing - who had left Customs by the time the report was leaked – sparked a major enquiry into airport security by leaking the report and his legal representative planned to use that as evidence his actions were justified. Sweeping improvements were made to airport security arrangements following an enquiry into the reports claims by English expert Sir John Wheeler. The leaked report was seized on by journalists from The Australian newspaper to blow the whistle on airport security but the journalists have not revealed their sources and were not called to give evidence. Mr Kessing’s lawyer said the case was a matter of public importance but it had attracted little attention. “One of the things that will be very important will be how beneficial the leak of the information was about security for Sydney airport and everyone who travels through it,” the lawyer told the newspaper. “The Wheeler report will vindicate in a substantial degree the fact that the leak itself, the contents of the reports that were leaked, had a very significant beneficial effect.” The enquiry led to the expenditure of $200 million establishing airport police commands and boosting Customs surveillance. A number number of arrests for cocaine smuggling had also resulted. The editor of The Australian, Paul Whittaker, said there was an urgent need for a public interest defence for Public Service whistleblowers at the Federal level. “Rather than prosecuting people such as this, they should be giving them a medal,” he said. Crown prosecutor, Lincoln Crowley, said a prison term for Mr Kessing was “on the cards”.

Comment Fuck Wikipedia. (Score -1) 608

But I have met so many nazi admins that I regard as nothing more than smart arse cunts, that while I do like much of the content of Wikipedia; and I appreciate much of the effort put in by so many other people - in a collective sense:


Anything to do with Wikipedia on a contributor or administrative level these days - has all the appeal of eating a shit sandwich.


Nothing personal Jimmy - but you and your fleet of goose stepping cunts have really rubbed me up the wrong way big time, and while I'd rather see Wikipedia continue, in a nasty kind of way, I'd rather see you and all your fucking stooges get the metaphorical shit kicked out of you and to have Wikipedia burned to the fucking ground.... --

Comment Nothing exactly personal Jimmy (Score -1) 608

But I have met so many nazi admins that I regard as nothing more than smart arse cunts, that while I do like much of the content of Wikipedia; in a collective sense:


Anything to do with Wikipedia on a contributor or administrative level - has all the appeal of eating a shit sandwich.


Nothing personal Jimmy - but you and your fleet of goose stepping cunts have really rubbed me up the wrong way big time, and while I'd rather see Wikipedia continue, in a nasty kind of way, I'd rather see you and all your fucking stooges get the metaphorical shit kicked out of you and to have Wikipedia burned to the fucking ground....

Comment Re:Quick, Close the Barn Door!!! = shit for brains (Score -1) 372

Yeah yeah yeah........ Countries Railway Called "National Rail" - Govt A leaves, Govt B moves in renames all locomotives and stations and paper work and pamphlets, "National Express".... Govt C moves in, renames train system, "Inter-Modal".... Govt D moves in - renames "Inter-Modal" to "Fast Track"... etc., etc.... etc.....


If they had of just kept everything the same... would have saved a heap of everyone else's time and money.


US Air Force - run by dick heads - Implements Policy of Restriction, Implements policy of systems examination, Implements surveilance of all members activities, Implements policy of court marshalling 20,000 staff.... Court marshall appealed in civil court and found to be illegal, USAF implements policy of retribution, policy to suppress policy undertaken, Wiki leaked, Policy implemented to stop staff accessing Wikileaks and all news services......


New policy implemented......

Comment Ahhh Haaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaa Firefox - crashing again. (Score -1) 205

Sure the report looks BIASED - anything to do with Microsoft is usually as corrupt as all fuck., but I wonder why Firefox scored so low? Is it because it really is an insecure piece of shit? Or is it because it kept on crashing all the time?


As much as I truly do hate Microsoft, and Google Chromes "to no ones advantage" minimalist interface; Firefox is soooooooooooooo fucking unstable that I have even probed the idea of actually trying to run Internet Explorer on Linux......

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fuck the Police... and Wikileaks.

I mean everyone KNOWS this whole thing is a set up....

Do the vindictive women with their bleeding hearts publicly withdraw their statements? No they don't.

The Swiss prosecutor knows it's bullshit - does she withdraw the arrest warrant? No she doesn't.

The folks at interpol know it's a setup - do they refuse to process the arrest warrant? No they don't.

Comment Microsoft = Fuckhole with a cactus. (Score -1) 86

After a week of fighting with a bank staffed with people who are sooooooo fucking stupid that they think 10 minutes of answering machine robots is better than just answering the phone in the first place.....


And not including such stupid information as the account numbers of the organisations and people that the money has come from or gone too in their spread sheets... because date, amount and withdrawl or deposit is deemed sufficient....


Merely mentioning these fucking arseholes at Microsoft and their shit for brains corporate moron bullshit makes me want to jump the counter and start smashing heads through desks.....


Fuck I hope these pilled out space cadets just fucking die - you know like by dropping the hair dryer in the bath or something.


They as people and their corporate crap are not the sort of things I want in my world.


Comment Cunts the lot of them... (Score -1) 102

You can tell what cunts they are, but how low they have to duck when a gun is held their big fucking heads.......


I use Ghostery, Google Anonymiser, javascript blocker, add blocker and I think a few other things...


One of the things that is so apparent is that these CUNTS are just falling over themselves to get every fucking thing that they can on you, and out of you, and all of it is without your knowledge or consent.....


Fuck you know - there are many websites that have 20 or more tracking cookies / scripts etc. in them....


I regard most of them as nothing but cyber molesters - sort of like people who drug others and grope them when they are unconscious.


That is about as high a regard as I hold these internet shitbags. Fuck them.


Comment Fuck the lot of them (Score -1) 346

A picks up stick, B picks up stone, A makes spear, B makes slingshot, A makes shield, B makes catapault, A makes arrows, B shields catapault, A makes flaming arrows, B invents calvary, A invents spikes to cripple the horses, etc... etc.... etc... gunpowder, smooth bore muzzle loaders, rifled barrels, breach loaders, autoloaders, smokeless powders, explosive artillery, armor, armor piercing, etc., etc., etc... nukes and then more nukes....


The more crap the corrupt millitaries and their shit hole governments invest in the process of diminishing returns for profit., at the expense of more money from health care, charity, education, and the more people in the other parts of the world are afflicted by the banks death for profit programs.... the more the upsets and the more the retaliation and subversion.

Comment Stupid is as stupid does... (Score -1) 142

Something tells me that DESPITE all of the entire USA etc., being fucking hackable.... (more or less) that rather than having a bunch of isolated services, all interconnected by dedicated phone lines or hard wiring; the idiots have them all connected by the net, and now they all want to operate NOT as hardware driven driven computers in separate locations, but as dumb terminals all hooked up on the internet.


Ummm excuse me? But since when has outright lazyness and a little extra cost for manual transport and connectivity and security overtaken "unstaffing" and remote control of everything.


Sure it's great when the infrastructure of an entire nation is controlled from some remote location, but "don't these idiots get it?", "Oh we are so worried about being hacked and having all the power stations shut down, the transport system and everything etc....


And now - "Fuck the people in charge ARE stupid.


Maximum profit, minimum staff, then no staff, then all long distance remote control.....


Now they are not even having PC's on the NET, and connectivity via the net, they are just going for dumb terminals and distant data centers....


Fuck me. Some people ARE just so fucking stupid.

Comment USA terd government..... (Score -1) 703

Strong arms and shoots up people in every country they can, to install their own puppet governments.... people of the world resist.... up jumps Wikileaks,


US Govt starts to choke them off via every possible method.... including hosting servers, income streams from donations etc., etc., etc...


The US Govt heavies all these arse licking companies including AMAZON Amazon refuses to host their material - and then turns around and starts selling the Wikileaks material for their Kindle


Fuck Amazon and Team Sleaze (The US Govt and Co.


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