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Comment Re:Palaces? (Score 1) 290

'Memory palace' = 'method of loci' is a method, i.e. something that an average person can learn and train her or himself to use efficiently. It is not particularly new, it is attributed to 5th/6th century (BC) Greek poet.

It is actually quite simple and can be taught in an hour or less. Training takes more time.

It is based on a simple fact that our brain is more specialized for remembering spatial facts and relations (has probably a bit to do with being able to quickly remember paths: either to successfully chase that squirrel or find the closest path to the most secure location while running away from a malnourished tiger of some sorts)

These methods map this mental power to non spatial concepts through visual association. Not completely unlike using GPU to do some non graphic tasks efficiently. The trick, in both cases, is to be able to recognize which tasks are best suited for it.

Yep, been around for a long, long, time. Just like the eidetic myth - if it exists no ones managed to prove it. Not that there haven't been people who demonstrated amazing memorization feats - but that a long way from a photographic memory. Plenty claim to have it - but I think you'll find the Great Randi hasn't had to fork out any money yet. I've read of few experiments where they failed to memorize everything - even over quite short periods of time (if you can see and hear it, but not remember all of it, it ain't photographic, usually just confabulation). No one has ever demonstrated the ability to remember languages they've never heard before, for instance.

And the Rainman thing, it's not memory it's math (Doomsday) and loci technique. The loci technique is particularly powerful when combined with (practiced) neurolinquistics.

Apparently one of the most talented is a guy who managed to learn fluent Icelandic in a couple of days - and he stands head and shoulders above the actual achievements of others (from my dodgy memory his book was called Blue Sky Dreaming).

Comment Re:Great ongoing revenue stream (Score 1) 58

And every Agency would have to pay on an annual basis for an Enterprise License to be "allowed" to side-load their own applications to the devices.

Why were iPads even considered? That sort of restricted access should rule them out at the first step.

Well it's obvious really:- Victoria increased the number of doctors there by giving tree iPads, now it's time to boost ASIO recruiting. I know it makes me want to endure the "intrusive vetting" in order to work with cheezel scented fat fucks for a low wage, and hey, once a month you get to play paintball out the back of the airport. Sign me up.

Comment Re:Anecdote (Score 1) 58

When I graduated from my IT Security and Cryptography degree I saw most of the morons of the class ending up working for ASIO and the DSD, so I wouldn't trust the DSD to certify that my CAT-5 patch cables have connectivity let alone an proprietary operating system. All they do is use inflexible checklists and frameworks to make their decisions on, they can't think outside of the box, and that's where the problems are going to lie.

Was one of them a kind of chubby, dark haired, autistic looking guy, works at Russell, carries an umbrella (always), and catches the bus to Civic?

Coz if he can't keep track of his briefcase I sure wouldn't trust him with anything smaller. He seems to have a little problem with literacy too....

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 778

XP is an 11 year old operating system.

Yep - it's not beta any more, what Microsoft hasn't reluctantly fixed third parties have provided replacements for, and a great deal of the unknowns are no longer. Somewhere on the shelf behind me I've got an old Thinkpad running Spud from the days when floppy installs were the still available - it still works fine too. And Windoof 98 (SE) makes a neat little vm when you lite it and replace most of the Microsoft bloat with third part stuff. And Windoof ME still sucks shit through a straw - I suspect 7 years from now I'll be saying thing about Vistass. Actually W2K lites up nicely too. The difference is that I can run a modern true 32-bit OS on old hardware using a GNU, but not Windoof (or Apple). Doesn't matter which distro I pick, I can leverage more life out of old hardware with new software.

Well actually it's a bit harder with Ubuntu, because despite Shuttleworths original announcement, Ubuntu doesn't do a lot to support old hardware (or Africa). And there's my main grudge against Canonical, Fedora (OLPC) do more to bring computers to those that don't have them than Ubuntu does.

Comment Re:What's going on? (Score 1) 778

Well IMO the problem isn't really with Unity, which is meant to draw a younger audience, not codgers like me, it is the fact that Unity still doesn't make Linux play Windows games, so their attempt to draw in teens will probably backfire (and WINE is still far too difficult to use in many cases, even if it works).

Try PlayonLinux - or fork out the bucks for Crossover, or maybe just run Windoof games under Windoof.

I've been helping a Linux noob, and several suggestions: 1) avoid acronyms and abbreviations. Everyone is guilty of this, but Linux is worst - do you think /dev/sda means ANYTHING to a Linux noob?

It /dev/sda means you need to learn uuid, 2009 wants its fstab back :-D

Well I can tell you for a fact that it doesn't, because I've been helping one. She didn't even know that was referring to her primary disk drive

It doesn't necessarily mean it's the primary drive.. and this is computers you're talking about, it's either exactly right or it's fucking useless, there is no "you know what I mean", or close enough. Having spent an evening trying to install packages by cutting and pasting words from a web page I'd of thought you'd learned that.

until I told her (and she's a tech geek in every way except Linux - and yes married [to my best friend, but he's less of a geek than she is]).

Let me remove all those acronyms for you, even the ones that aren't acronyms so you can "help" you best friends wife (though if she's the "technical geek" she's probably better off on her own without some patronizing bloke "helping" her). Lets call the first partition on the first drive C: shall we? Or maybe just replace partition with thingy.... Your problems start when you want to add other "thingies", the second one we'll call D:, but pretty soon you're simple system ceases to be "intuitive" or even understandable (so which one if F:?). And we've got such a nice naming system too! dev - it's short for devices 'cause people not only naturally shorten words, they complain more about long ones than they do about abbreviations. And it means nothing to you because the only system that you can conceive of is a standard desktop, our system is designed to describe *all possible configurations of hardware*, even the ones you can't conceive (like the one this forum runs on, and I don't mean just the cms) of - fucking amazing huh?

Keep reading for my explanation on why you shouldn't be allowed near an install if you have to make suggestions like that. I'll skip the whole Universal Serial Bus , Digital Video Disk thingy 'cause I don't agree with you on the abbreviation thing, (and I think you're full of it).

And good for your teeth apparently

(for instance, iTunes makes a pretty nice mnemonic for what it does, but they've had their failures too - QuickTime?! The only time I want time to go quick is when I'm working and not under a tight deadline).

Please post me some of that shit you're smoking - Outlook, what the fuck was Microsoft thinking - it should be called email client obviously, like Coca-Cola should be just fizzy drink. Can you see a problem here? I don't know about Gnome - though I'm willing to bet a large amount of money that's the desktop environment you're talking about, but most menuing systems allow you to show either the package name and/or it's function. Did you read the documentation?

3) Shortcuts for multiple package select that can be dropped in. Why? Because installing them from package manager is too tedious, so people knowing how always go to terminal and do an apt-get. I want to copy the names of the packages I need from a URL and drop them on an installer and have them magically appear.

And the only thing stopping you from doing that is your own ignorance or laziness - Ubuntu has a graphical package installer, it has a number of graphical package installers, it (like most distros) will handle packages from other distro, and yes Virginia there is "drop them on the installer and have them magically appear" program - it's distro independant... Kwiksomething, or Klicksomething (I don't remember, I'm happy with apt-get)

4) Icons should at least nearly always appear for new software, and if you need command line arguments there should be a way to add them and convenient help. I know that is a lot to ask, but for ease-of-use it is essential.

How does a n00b help a n00b? I mean, I don't want to upset you because obviously you're an experienced computer user, and obviously you understand the difference between a computer operator (user) and computer technician or engineer right? It's similar to the difference between a telephone user and a telephone technician - without all the ego.

If you're attempting to configure or install software, let alone an operating system, you are trying to be a technician. All the wishful thinking in the world won't bridge the gap between tech and user without an understanding of the system. That requires study - wishful thinking is what makes people without a clue about computers demand the "it should be simple". So should rocket science and brain surgery - but reality dictates that there's more to brain surgery than holding a scalpel. And more to being a tech than just moving a mouse and being able to type, or plug things into obvious sockets... like having a vague idea about a stack, or how a driver works, what happens on a bus, knowing that Harvard architecture is not an English style of building schools, the difference between hardware and software, applications and utilities - when those things are understood your suggestions (for which we all thank you, shed the scales from our eyes that did) become redundant. What you've failed to appreciate is the degree of complexity behind the system. Think about the difference between a telephone user and a telephone technician - and every time you get the urge to say "but.." smack yourself in the forehead. And remember - geeks are what we used to pay money to see in sideshows - having a collection of things too you don't understand but know the names of might make you a geek, but it doesn't make you informed, any more than knowing the all the trivia about sports cars when you can't build an engine doesn't make you an automotive engineer, or being able to drive doesn't automatically mean you can, or should be able to install an engine.

In many distributions there is also a program with an odd name that manages packages like Package Manager, and to a noob that means fedex packages, not software.

I think you're confusing a n00b with an idiot. How can a program that manages packages, called a Package Manager, be an odd name? Are you fucking retarded or just a whiner? What should we call it? A camel?

PS. nowhere in that comp-u-ta is there any 0s and 1s.

Comment Re:What's going on? (Score 1) 778

Sure you can win in the linux world. You use Debian until you decide you would rather have a bleeding edge distro. Then you switch to Ubuntu. When you get tired of the issues of having a bleeding edge distro, you switch back to Debian until you start wanting bleeding edge again. Maybe you use one of the in between distros for a while when you feel like it. Sounds like a win to me. There are time and uses that I want bleeding edge. There are times and uses that I want stability. The fact that I get to choose means that I win.

Bleeding edge Debian is called unstable, but you can have experimental if you wish, or just go stable and pin backports (or testing). If that's not Gentoo enough you can compile every package from source. Hell you can even do that without having to do a single make. You can run Woody, Spud or Sarge - pick a damn CPU, go on, pick any CPU you like - don't like people who eat reindeer for Xmas dinner? Drop in a HURD or BSD kernel instead. And if you're really bored you can install Ubuntu packages - Ubuntu holds your hand and provides you with the sort of support experience only Windoof users can expect, meaning quality paid support, good commercial documentation and training, and totally shitful forums full of bullshit advice (no debian-users list there). What Ubuntu currently tries to do has been done successfully by others, with less money and greater stability (Xandros anyone?).

Ubuntu has brought a lot of new users to the world of GNU Linux - and some of them stick around, fewer still become contributors.

I've found a lot of people's first experience (these days) with GNU Linux is Ubuntu, it's not perfect 'cause bleeding edge never can or will be, and after trying other distros looking for something that "just works" (as if Windoof ever "just worked") they either learn to learn, or go back to Windoof and perpetual rebuilds or wormfarming. They're the OS equivalents of ISP "churners". In some respects todays new Ubuntu user is the Slack user of last century (an I'm not calling Slack ancient). Without trying to badmouth Ubuntu (and I'm no Ubuntu fanboi) - it's the (semi)GNU Linux aimed and massively promoted for the lowest common denominator of computer user. To say that there is no bad feeling towards Ubuntu or it's users is dangerously naive - I'm not the only person who's quick to avoid Ubuntu users. But then, I found the whole "Linux is the best OS, Microsoft is evil, viva la penguin revolution, dual-boot is bliss" thing boring a long time before Ubuntu appeared on the scene.

Ubuntu, and Ubuntu users - they're like young people, I appreciate the need for them, I just wish they'd stay the fuck off my lawn! ;-p

Comment Re:Legit (Score 0) 294

But information wants to be freeeeeee!~

Seriously though, they did add notes to all of the images naming the source. Maybe they asked permission, and that was all the creators asked of them? I'd advise we hold off on the lynching until one of the artists comes out and complains.

Yeah right, and I'll hold off on calling you the arseclown that you are until that happens right?. It's not his work any more than Blender is - his use of Blender is in breach of the Blender license. Period.

I'd advise you hold off on claiming it's not sex while that cock is in your mouth.

Comment Re:What's going on? (Score 1) 778

Heey, don't say that, Canonical's biggest contribution to the open source world has been to Gnome as they created a a set of icons. Accidently that is pretty much the only contribution they have made upstreams.


Not quite - they have made other contributions. They are, however, just contributions - not commitments. They could have done things the IBM way by funding development in the areas of their interest (x86 gnome desktop) or the RedHat way - build their own and feed it back to the upstream developers in consultation with them, or even the Google way. But they chose to piss off the Debian community instead.

In the case of Kubuntu they chose to piss off their users, and the KDE developers too.

Ubuntu - it's unique. You don't get Mandriva (or whatever it's called this week) and Mephis users pissing off the RedHat folk, and I can't recall any of the users of the many Debian-based distros clogging the Debian-user lists and forums. (sigh). When (space)Shuttleworth first announced the intentions of Ubuntu I was as impressed as I was by Kennnedy and Obama.... so the question is not, where did all the love go - but why did I believe there was any in the first place. I've just spent half an hour searching and can't find any trace of the original announcements about Ubuntu's plans for those left out of the "Digital Revolution". Just another Camelot that turned out to be true for only a very limited few.

I'm looking at ewe Johhno fanboi Bacon

Comment Re:Free software (Score 1) 778

Because you're not only supposed to follow the license but all the unwritten rules of the free software hippies which usually includes not making money from it. Because that violates the "spirit" of the license or some such nonsense.

Of course when you release Troll OS we'll all regret having shunned you for bringing your Teapot opinions to the table.

Do you ever get bored just making shit up? Those damn free software hippies - the only thing that stands between you and your mega-wealth, instant stardom, getting laid, and having friends visible to real people. I'd write more, but your lips will just get sore.

Comment Re:Free software (Score 1) 778

Freedom means you should also be able to make money and act selfishly with your distro or open source project. I really don't get why it's always such a problem for open source advocates. If you want truly free software you let everyone do whatever they want with it.

And more power to your arm sir.

I look forward to testing your code - though you seem to have neglected to post your repository link.

Never mind - at least you're providing the solution unlike all those whiners who just demand it. Or worse, those that create the straw men to.... oh wait....

Comment Re:What's going on? (Score 1) 778


Right now the problem with desktop Linux centers on the desktop managers. KDE 4.6 has become better, but every single release of that product has them screwing something up on the desktop (i.e., if you have double click selected (for launching files and opening folders), you can't move icons around on the desktop--if single click is selected it works fine.) Some of these changes are extremely annoying. Anything having to do with icons on the desktop needs to work perfectly, but no, KDE just can't get it right. Gnome has it's share of usability problems. Overall though, the products work, if not for the bugginess of them.

Just to clarify - you do understand that Ubuntu/Canonical has absolutely nothing to do with developing KDE or Gnome right? (demanding is not contributing).

Because you sound like so many of the Kubuntu fans - who insist that right from the start KDE4 should be production quality *despite* what *actual* KDE developers say. If so please take the time to listen to what the KDE developers have to say about your demands - ditto for all the other early adopters - with the possible exception of SUSe who actually made some contributions.

Chances are that you're not one of those irritating Ubuntu fans - but many of us have developed a knee-jerk hatred of Ubuntu users - *especially* debian developers and support, but also many, many LUG members. In my area where for many years the montly meeting would bring an average of a dozen people, and several dozen posts a week to the mailing lists - the LUG was over-run by Ubuntu users. It's kind of hard to help people who refuse to RTFM. And stablity is difficult to achieve when the user insists on an OS choice that requires daily updates. (a stable bleeding edge is impossible).

Comment Who gives a fuck? (Score 1) 778

Ubuntu *was* a great idea. Provide the majority of the world with an OS that aimed to support their languages, their lack of broadband, and their low end hardware. In return the GNU Linux world would gain a huge new user base and the world would become a better place.

Nice idea - first mistake was allowing free postage of CDs to places *other* than India and Africa. Guess where most of those CDs were posted to? Guess North America and you're right.

Free CDs? I'll have 50 of those, every month - said every irritating n00b Windoof user. You know the sort - they use a computer as a substitute for a life - having the latest hardware is important so you can post your 3D benchmarks in your signature in the various spyware forums. Well now those pricks are Ubuntu fans. Check out the Ubuntu (Debian *is* too hard, for them) forums - see any African posters there? Nope - it's all "why isn't my multi-core 64-bit just released this morning CPU supported"? "I demand you support my iPod".

Ubuntu was never meant to be a version of Debian for n00bs, no matter how many (l)users demand and insist that is should be. Ubuntu has become an OS dominated by rude, ignorant, wealthy, spoilt, retards - who've not only perverted the original aims of Ubuntu, but managed to piss off all the other GNU Linux users.

Disclaimer:- I mostly run Debian, I'm sick of people posting Ubuntu questions to Debian forums - they consistently refuse to RTFM, post useful details, provide feedback, or even be honest about their OS. Check the debian-user mailing list and see how many requests for help with "Debian" are actually Ewepunter - they're the rude posters who abuse, demand, and complain - usually before even stating their problem, and often append their bitch with "it works fine in Windows7", and "no wonder Linux hasn't taken over the desktop". See how many of their posts are long threads where they are continually asked for useful information about their "debian" problem only to see "root@karmic#" as part of their cli output. Politely point out that they'd be more likely to get useful information at an Ubuntu forum and cop abuse.

And sudo?

And I so love the new breed of GNU Linux administrator - the one trained in Ubuntu - (ALL)ALL == fail. I'd never considered the possibility that anyone would actually be stupid enough to ssh as root until I met Ubuntu users. These are the same fucktards who'll critisize me for saying "GNU/Linux" 'cause it's all Lin-ucks. That last comment was from a recent employee - working in an all GNU environment, for a Finnish manager (called Linus) while complaining about the lack of sudo (and root access). Linus is pronounced "Lean-us" unless you're an American cartoon character, and yes Virginia - you *are* entitled to smack people who tell you how to pronounce your own name. And dickwad (you know who you are) all those servers you insisted were "Lin-ux" are Debian with the BSD kernel, the laptop you insisted was a customized Ubuntu (presumably because it's the only machine on site using Gnome) has a Hurd kernel.

Note to future applicants - stick your Ubuntu quals where they belong - from now on only LPI, RH or tertiary quals will be considered.

In closing may I suggest to any Ubuntu user I've upset - enjoy your Kubuntu (don't worry about what the KDE developers say - U tell em), if you need to update on a daily basis *it is not* suited to a production environment, if you can see your eye-candy, dancing bears and other 3D effects you *are obviously not* doing any fucking work! And when you tell me the "advantages" of dual-boot - I get the urge to kick you with both feet. It's a workplace fool - rebooting is not work, if you need Windows install it on another machine. Oh - you have 5 OSs on your laptop.... you must be "very" productive.


How do I add APK to my host file?

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

And your "southern neighbours" get their "highly illegal" guns where?

Yeah, because the cartels clearly got the .50 caliber machine guns, grenade launchers, RPGs, anti-tank rockets, and thousands upon thousands of grenades from the US civilian gun market--where those devices don't exist. Enlighten us, will you please? Where did those weapons come from?

So, they've smuggled over a few semi-automatic AR-15s / AK clones. A few rifles, compared to the above weaponry which has been captured from the cartels, are hardly interesting.

Maybe they aught to secure their borders, and stomp out the fuel for their cartel problem??? I for one wish we had the good sense to help with that particular issue.

The question wasn't directed at you - but as you have done me the courtesy of qualifying your question (and I've previously read your posts - so I'm reasonably sure you have a brain, and are not a sock-puppet like some of the others in this thread) I'll try and answer it. (briefly as it's late)

Firstly I never said, thought. or implied that the guns in Mexico (I'm presuming you're referring to the so-called Drug Wars) came from the "US civilian gun market". I'll save you actually looking for my post.

And your "southern neighbours" get their "highly illegal" guns where?

The "?" is a question mark. As in "where did those weapons come from" question. I don't know for certain, but what little I know is that they originated outside of Mexico, and I'm curious as to where, and why despite all the press coverage the question hasn't been asked, and answered. I spent a number of years in the military - the last 9 of them as an MP (Oz) and I find it hard to understand how that question is so hard for the powers to be to answer.(that *is* sarcasm)

As for the borders - have a dig through my (and other Aussie's posts) and see our questions and anger over the Nugan-Hand Bank prior to which their was no heroin problem in our country.

Take heroin, cocaine (crack), speed (ice) out of the picture and most of the civilian deaths by gunfire (outside) of war disappear.

Not to distract from the points at hand - I've often traveled to the U.S. (and spent part of my childhood there) - and been to plenty of gunshows - I'll allow that things may have changed in the last 8 months - but in the past I would have had no problems buying .50 cal machine guns (legally). As to the other ordnance you mention - I have a neighbour, a thoroughly respectable gentleman (in Oz) whose company supplies AK-47s, RPGs, mines etc to the rest of the world. His company (*cough* Grycol *cough*) got a slap over the wrist after the Martin Bryant shootings for importing the Colt AR-15 long rifle (note I don't say carbine) and being unable to account for over 8K of them. Apropos of nothing - Australia is a port of origin that attracts little interest when containers arrive in Europe, or South America (hint CFTZ).

stomp out the fuel for their cartel problem?

Now there's a point! And here's another question in lieu of an answer - if all that money moves somewhere, through where does it move, and who would complain if it didn't? (that's a truly staggering amount of money)

Interesting that this particular story seems to have broken two Slashdot records - most posts and, most sock-puppets (posters manufactured on the spot to falsify support for "issues")...

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