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The Matrix

Submission + - 'Brain Carpet' Translates Thoughts Into Action

cortex writes: "Discovery News reports:

Instead of violently shoving a giant needle into the brain a la "The Matrix," Utah scientists are reading thoughts by carpeting the brain with microelectrodes.

There are now three methods to turn brain thought into prosthetic action. Each has positives and negatives. Some devices can be slipped on as easily as hats, but they aren't specific. The most detailed readings, from even a single neuron, come from threading tiny electrodes deep into the brain, but such operations are risky and very invasive.

While still invasive (the skull must be sawed off), placing electrodes on the surface of the brain instead of inside the brain gives more precise readings while decreasing the risk to patients."

Submission + - The passing of Philip Jose Farmer

cortex writes: "Philip José Farmer passed away last week. He was one of the great science fiction authors of the 20th century, writing such famous series as "Riverworld" and "The World of Tiers". From the official website: Philip José Farmer passed away peacefully in his sleep this morning. He will be missed greatly by his wife Bette, his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and countless fans around the world. January 26, 1918 — February 25, 2009. R.I.P. We love you Phil."
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Best motherboards with large RAM capacity? 1

cortex writes: "I routinely need to analyze large datasets (principally using Matlab). I recently "upgraded" to 64-bit Vista so that I can access larger amounts of RAM. I know that various Linux distros have had 64-bit support for years. I also typically use Intel motherboards for their reliability, but currently Intel's desktop motherboards only support 8GB of RAM and their server motherboards are too expensive. Can anyone relate their experiences with working with Vista or Linux machines running with large RAM (>8GB). What is the best motherboard (Intel or AMD) and OS combination for workstation applications in terms of cost and reliability?"

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