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Windows RT 8.1 Update Pulled From Windows Store 178

UnknowingFool writes "After reports of update problems including bricking of some devices, Microsoft has pulled the 8.1 update for RT from their store while they investigate. 'Microsoft is investigating a situation affecting a limited number of users updating their Windows RT devices to Windows RT 8.1. As a result, we have temporarily removed the Windows RT 8.1 update from the Windows Store. We are working to resolve the situation as quickly as possible and apologize for any inconvenience. We will provide updates as they become available.' While update problems are not new to software, could this be a consequence of Microsoft not releasing 8.1 RTM to developers? Developers may have experienced problems earlier and alerted Microsoft before it went live."

Comment Re:Random paper generator (Score 1) 95

To be fair, quite a few conferences are nothing more than somebody's trying to take your money. I get emails all the time with subjects like "Call for Papers for the Third International Symposium on ." If you submit a paper (or read the fine print), they'll inform you that at least one author must pay to attend the conference or they won't include it in the proceedings. There is, of course, no peer review; every submitted article is accepted, just so long as you pay them.

Comment Re:What about 10 year old mysql bugs? (Score 1) 191

Don't forget MySQL's translation of NULLs in NOT NULL constrained fields to 0 or empty strings instead of rejecting the update as a proper RDBMS should. Somebody needs to explain to them that missing data is missing, not 0. I can't tell you how many problems I've seen this cause (ofc, whether and how NULLs should be used is another discussion entirely...).

Comment Re:fast, but wrong (Score 1) 191

Let's not forget how it "enforces" constraints. For example, consider:

sname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO emps (fname) VALUES ('John');

In a proper RDBMS, that would fail for violating a constraint. MySQL/MariaDB just massage the missing sname into an empty string, which is about as valid as just sticking 'sldfjpsdj;ksdj;fsdljkfsd.'

Comment Tail recursion (Score 1) 242

You've stated ( that you consider tail recursion to be "unpythonic." Could you elaborate on that a little more. What about algorithms that are by their very nature recusive? I've found that a combination of memoization and tail recursion can, under the right circumstance, provide wonderfully clear code without taking too much of a performance hit, and Python's decorator facility always seemed more or less ideal to me for that sort of application.

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