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Comment Did Left 4 Dead not give peole an example? (Score 1) 763

So, L4D sales grew 30x when you cut the price in half, and this is a game that I'm willing full price, and 2 more to gift 3 other copies (the 4 pack at the price of 3).

It's bloody rare for a game to actually be worth $50. No one want to sink that money on a game that people aren't sure is that fun. At $25, I think that barrier is less, and if people are fans, and rave about it, more would buy it / gift it.

Comment Completely ignores Facebook "outages" (Score 1) 175

Facebook screws around their site live so often that it is not even sensible to assume that their site is running properly if you can point your browser to it.

In a 4 month stint as a maintenance programmer for one of the apps on there, it has become impossible to tell when I introduced a bug onto the app, or Facebook is actually crapping out.

I would laugh if once we factor that in, it suffers more outages than Twitter.

Comment Re:Whoops (Score 1) 622

sigh. something got cropped. The Vanguard got damaged props, while the Le Triomphant had a damaged sonar dome (i.e. damaged front). This can mean the Le Triomphant was a the rear of the Vanguard while the collusion occurred...

Comment Re:Whoops (Score 1) 622

Althought I agree with your assessment, the interesting part is that the HMS Vanguard was towed back to port, while the French counterpart suffered sonar dome damage. One plausible explanation is that the Vanguard has damaged props, while

As quiet as these subs are, the sonar dome on Le Triomphant should pick up screws in the water, at close ranges.

A more sinister explanation would be the Le Triomphant was tailing the Vanguard, and they ran into the Vanguard when the British sub slowed/stopped. They aren't going to explain to the public that a friendly nation's nuclear sub has been tailing our sub all along.

Comment Seperate between precision or fuzzy math. (Score 1) 499

Maybe having the ballpark at $13k is good enough. Maybe having the Red in a pixel at 240 is good enough compared to 255. But how is the chip going to tell that making a jump to 0x389519B0 - some offset requires full precision, compared to, I dunno subtracting this number because someone punched it into the calculator program.

And at the end, CPUs calculate a lot of these integers for indexed jumps, and branches very frequently. How's the hardware going to be able to tell when it can skimp and when it cannot?

When it can't, it would be trying to run linux on known bad ram. Things will crash, and people won't be happy. If you need software to hint, then you might be able to code a compiler to do it for you, but even then, the people who knows which addition need full precision and which one doesn't is the application designer. The compiler won't read your minds.

If they say, they'd split this into 2 sets of arithmetic instruction, then they're not going to get the power efficiency they were looking for anyways.


Submission + - Math & Reading software provide no added benef

Fysiks Wurks writes: According to the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, a subgroup of the Education Department, using math and reading software in the classroom produces no noticeable change in reading and math achievement scores. From the article, "The study found achievement scores were no higher in classrooms using reading and math software products than in classrooms without the new products. Researchers looked at elementary and secondary classes in 132 schools. The teachers that participated used more than a dozen software products to help deliver their lessons." [ technology.ap/index.html%5D

So why spend the money on said products when you can spend it on other materials or profession development for teachers?

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