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Comment Re:They're stupid (Score 4, Interesting) 1025

Why does having a vaccination "stress [your] son's immune system out" more than his routine everyday exposure to hundreds of potential pathogens, such as those on your skin or in his crib?

There's a good review here of the development of the human immune system both pre- and post-natal. It's entirely possible that the difference in immune function between young children and adults is an adaptive trait, given that most classes of pathogen will be encountered in the first few months of life. Your baby might look fragile, but he's had T-cells since he was a 12-week old fetus.

Comment Re:Forced Upgrades? (Score 1) 665

What "upgrade now" window? Firefox gets updated with the other packages on my system, by PackageKit or yum upgrade. Do you have to manually update each of your applications individually? That must get really annoying. Is there something wrong with your OS that it forces you to do that? ;-)

Comment Re:already exists. Its called Debian (Score 2) 179

Hopefully, I'll get them to work with me to show them HOW to do that.

"Hi Valve, it's me. You know, Anonymous Coward. I'd like you to pay me money to tell you what you're doing wrong... hello? Hello?"

Now that the day-job's slowing down, I'll be getting back in touch with them on the subject...

... "Hi Valve, Anonymous Coward again. We got cut off - are your phones working ok? Hello? That's odd, it's happened again."

On the subject of dependencies, from what I understand, because Bedrock essentially has pretty much full distro installs in chroots, each distro uses its own libraries, so it's possible to have different library versions coexisting as applications will only load the libraries they are linked against - the particular chroot/$PATH/bind mount magic that Bedrock does takes care of it. As packages are installed using individual "client" distros package management tools, they will pull in whatever dependencies they need and install them in that "client" distro's chroot.

It seems quite elegant to me, although I haven't the patience to set it up myself as I'd effectively be administering 5 distros instead of one. It might be quite nice for a combined CentOS/Rawhide system though, kind of super-stable but with easily added bleeding edge bling.

Comment Re:lets hope ubuntu fallows (Score 1) 202

These might help - I think they override the setttings in gconf:

gsettings set org.gnome.metacity new-windows-always-on-top false
gsettings set org.gnome.metacity no-focus-windows

The whole gconf/dconf thing is a mess right now, but it seems more and more applications are switching to dconf only. dconf-editor isn't quite as useful as gconf-editor though - there's no "Find" function yet, for example. I'd still rather see all these options exposed in a decent UI somewhere - gnome-tweak-tool would be a good place for the Gnome devs to put all this, but it needs to be part of the standard collection, and visible in System Settings rather than being undiscoverable.

Comment Re:I blame (Score 1) 576

There's always been shitty music about. The beauty of the internet is that you don't have to get all your information about interesting music purely from the radio (although BBC 6 Music and the evening music shows on BBC Radio Scotland have been the driver behind most of my recent music purchases). Pandora, Spotify, last.fm etc are all there to act as crap filters.

I'm too young to have seen Debbie Harry in her glory days, but I did see her play with Blondie at Glastonbury about 12 years ago - good, but not quite as great as they would have been 20 years earlier... she was dancing a bit like someone's pissed auntie at a wedding reception. Still had the voice though.

Comment Re:Splendid decision (Score 1) 202

Gnome 3 is built for touch screens but you need a keyboard shortcut for everything does that not mean that said touchscreen useless?

So, touch the button that does the same thing as the key shortcut. You're not forced to use the shortcut - it's there if you find it more convenient (ie you don't want to spin the mouse across two monitors to hit the hot corner, you press Super instead. It doesn't mean you can't use the mouse/touch interface if you prefer that. Key shortcuts are just that- shortcuts, not replacements. It's not like if you press Ctrl-S to save a document, you can never use the File->Save menu again.

and if you are telling all of the linux users to use a keyboard shortcut for everything why not use a terminal instead or a window manager like awesome where it is all keyboard driven anyway? desktops are primarily controlled by mice with the data entered by keyboard. not the other way around.

One hand for mouse, one hand for keyboard. Mouse does most of the work, keyboard hand occasionally stops picking nose and presses a few keys to save mouse hand some work.

Comment Re:Kind of sems like a step backwards. (Score 1) 202

Gnome 3's been the default in Fedora for three releases now. I don't see that changing, regardless of what downstream distributions may choose for themselves..

I don't know what Red Hat's plans for the default DE in RHEL7 are, but it's not like they're bound to choose the same defaults as Fedora. If MATE works reliably in F18 then RH may well choose it for RHEL, but that doesn't affect Fedora's choice of default, given that part of Fedora's remit is to get bleeding edge software onto a large number of machines precisely to iron out these kinds of issues.

Besides, if you're deploying RHEL across hundreds of machines, you're probably not going with the defaults anyway. You're free to choose whatever DE you like as long as it's supported - LXDE, KDE, XFCE, MATE, Gnome 3 should all be available.

Comment Re:lets hope ubuntu fallows (Score 1) 202

I have two monitors (of differing resolutions). I like to place windows near the edge sometimes. The tiling and maximising features only activate if the pointer goes within about 20 pixels of the screen edge, which is easily avoided if your intention is to push a window to the edge rather than tile it. You can also send windows to the back by middle-clicking on the titlebar, which I find useful with focus-follows-mouse and no click-to-raise. Both Alt-Tab/button-above-tab or the expose view work for switching windows quickly as well.

If you like having maximise/minimise buttons on the titlebar, they are easy to restore with gnome-tweak-tool. I don't actually find them necessary.

Comment Re:Wow... (Score 1) 639

No, TFS doesn't tell you the full story as usual. He issued a series of messages, not all directed at Tom Daley that were threatening and abusive, and included death threats : "i dont give a shit bruv i'm gonna drown him and i'm gonna shoot you he failed why you suporting him you cunt " "shut your dirty little mouth you cunt i'm going to kill you when your back trust me " and so on. I would say these were grossly offensive, and also indecent and menacing, though not obscene.

Little boys spraying in public need a slap on the wrist, which is all he's getting.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
