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Comment The market for this? (Score 1) 70

How many phones out there are capable of integrating this into their firmware, download the software to begin with, yet don't have touchscreens, all while still being in service. I just don't see any situation where a phone doesn't have a touch screen, yet would be enhanced by one. Aside from maybe older keyboard based phones, like earlier Blackberries... but that still leaves the question of getting it in and having it be worthwhile.

This says nothing, of course, about the user themselves. Even if you could get it implemented, most people who don't have a touchscreen don't really want one, or are planning on getting a new phone soon enough.

Of course, there still will be plenty of people who this won't help at all who will get this anyways. It will be like 3D movies. Not everything was meant to be in 3D, but people will still go to the 3D showing by the truckload.

Comment Re:Fascinating Proposition (Score 1) 480

Thinkgeek might still have something called "The Sonic Bomb", it's the alarm clock I use. Red display, and more than loud enough. The display even has a dimmer switch, and you can adjust the volume and pitch of the alarm. It also comes with an optional disc that you stick between the mattress that vibrates sharply in time with the alarm, and the clock itself has an extra strip of LEDs that turn on and strobe during the alarm.

The company that makes it usually does clocks and phones for deaf people.

Comment It's Fear (Score 1) 602

The American news outlets are simply afraid that the stories resulting from Wikileaks releases might remind the public what actual news is. They can't allow this to happen, not after they already have so much time invested in which political commentator hates who, which contestant was bumped out of America's Got Talent the night before, and coverage of Tiger Woods's love-life. God forbid they have to take the time to dig up information, rather than only reporting on information that wants to be reported on, that's time that can't be afforded in a 24-hour news cycle.

Comment Re:I smell a turd... (Score 1) 71

And the big players are going to sell in China? Where the mere existence of this machine, and its security from lawsuit, already shows their respect for copyright law? You make games for this, you'll sell as many copies as there are major bootleggers in the country. Then your lovely game will be bundled with 19 others and sold for half the price. Assuming you get through censorship.

Comment Re:Alternate solution (Score 1) 1139

That makes the assumption that all rural-area dwellers are farmers and the like. I live in a rather rural area, and only a handful of the families actually run productive farms. The people who staff it are kids with summer jobs who go into the city on days off to blow their money at the mall. The closest thing I've ever done to 'creating food' is tried eating lawn grass as a child.

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