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Comment What they really should do... (Score 1) 364

is to stop spoiling the myth results during opening scenes. Drop the highly annoying US style editing where watchers apparently have the attention span measured in seconds and you have to repeat half of the program after every commercial break (which there are an astounding number in US apparently) and go through the program one myth at a time instead of bouncing from topic to topic (again I suspect because of the apparent attention span of general US public).

Comment Same problem as with... (Score 1) 95

scanning for radio communications. It's an activity that we've been doing only for a couple of hundred of years now (pollution that is, radio is even shorter) and we have a around 100 000 years worth of time in our galaxy so we have to be lucky and find a planet where the inhabitants polluted their planet around the time relative to their distance from us. Trying to come up with better and more easily detectable biomarkers that cover a larger portion of the planets lifetime is a much better prospect.

Comment Plugin free (Score 1) 172

Or as I like to call it "plugin is the web browser". That's one of the things that really annoys me about hate for flash and love for javascript. People don't seem to understand that what you are actually doing is just changing the language and instead of letting one environment to execute the content you depend on another environment to execute it instead. And that other environment is basically just as random, finicky, and instead of one player implementation you now have multiple implementers who don't seem to be able to agree about anything.

Comment Wait... (Score 1) 157

You can have someone else than the actual copyright owner legally send the DMCA notice? So it is actually legalized one sided trolling. For the DMCA notice to be removed and the content restated you have to sent a counter claim including your personal details to the original claimant... which means that you have to give out your details while the "claimed owner" of the first notice, the one who hired this entity to send out the DMCA notice can stay totally in the dark? This system is even more fucked up than I previously thought.

Comment Re:dwarf fortress (Score 2) 285

Don't be, it's not nearly as difficult to get into as it's reputation states (somewhat like Dark Souls in that respect in fact). Just read some getting started tutorials from the dwarf fortress wiki and play. The most used keyboard shortcuts are no more difficult to learn than shortcuts in any other program and DF always displays all available key commands anyway (although in some menus you might need to scroll). It's great fun even if you don't get all the complexities. It's somewhat like The Sims on steroids.

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