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Submission + - Sony Entertainment sued by... "Wierd" Al? (msn.com)

KDEnut writes: "Weird Al" Yankovic says that Sony Music Entertainment owes him to the tune of $5 million.

In a lawsuit filed Friday in U.S. District Court in New York, the "Eat It" musical parodist claims that Sony has shortchanged him on royalties with a variety of improper accounting practices. He is seeking a judgment somewhere north of $5 million.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 1127

The opposite of a live pigeon shoot is a clay pigeon shoot.

Having been on a few, They were probably a bunch of father/son teams out tromping around, and as usual making too much noise to flush anything in range. Especially if they were running around on quads like the article hinted at. Pigeons are remarkably stupid birds though.

Comment Re:HBO "Superheroes" documentary on these guys (Score 1) 590

Oh so very, very wrong. Your troll-fu is weak.

Use whatever label you will, but dressing up (in costumes or in your favorite dungaree's), arming yourself (Be it with rope & Pistol, or a can of pepper spray), and then roaming the streets looking for trouble: It's still vigilanteism. From Merriam: a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily. Notice the word "Suppress". From Dictionary.com: 1. a member of a vigilance committee. (vigilance: Watchfulness).

I'll give you that it does strongly *Conotate* revenge and lawlessness as a salve though.

KDE 4.5 Released 302

An anonymous reader writes "KDE 4.5.0 has been released to the world. See the release announcement for details. Highlights include a Webkit browser rendering option for Konqueror, a new caching mechanism for a faster experience and a re-worked notification system. Another new feature is Perl bindings, in addition to Python, Ruby and JavaScript support. The Phonon multimedia library now integrates with PulseAudio. See this interview with KDE developer and spokesperson Sebastian Kugler on how KDE can continue to be innovative in the KDE4 age. Packages should be available for most Linux distributions in the coming days. More than 16000 bug fixes were committed since 4.4."

Comment Re:Games? (Score 2, Informative) 427

The answer is: Yes. I raid 25/10's under wine with no problem. Most games I've tried work just fine.

Heck, even ~80% of the steam games I've tried have worked without any tweaking needed.

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