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Comment Re:Say it with me. (Score 1) 119

Woa, woa, woa...where do you get your prices? I LIVE 20 miles from the university. We are on a level here that you would not understand, so I won't try. We are wanting to SAVE LIVES . GEDDIT? Mainly rural South African lives. Mainly black South African lives. If you want to read about costs goto http://www.scidev.net/en/news/nano-tea-bag-purifies-water.html. We are talking CENTS. So please talk SENSE. Yeesh....money, money, money. The South African tax payer is footing the bill OK??

Comment Re:And Back to the Future. (Score 1) 421

I like the 'change in processs' expression and would like to expand this (and allow for the GF paradox)by stating that time travel is ONLY possible if the machine is built FIRST. So it would be impossible to travel back further than that, or forward in time to beyond now, but within the time of the existence of the machine, it would be possible to go forward or back. Like paging through a book.

Comment Re:Thermal storage? No. (Score 1) 316

This is HIGHLY CONCENTRATED BRINE. It's 'normal' state is a SOLID. Therefore it can absorb much higher temperatures and can be pumped into well insulated silo-type storage during the day BUT if a fault happens with the pumps etc. the brine will solidify, then how would you reheat this to such a high tempreture to liquify it again? Also, this is not 'to make electricity at night', it is soley for STORAGE, as one would store electricity in a battery for later use.

Comment Referees don't control the market (Score 1) 312

I live in Cape Town where last night's game between Spain and Paraguay has convinced me that Seb Blatter and Fifa are reluctant to use video replays to play the game WITHIN THE RULES because they will lose the control necessary to influence the outcome. If Fifa controlled the markets, NO forecast would work, now, at least financial institutions have trends and hearsay to work with, not referees!

Comment Re:intelligence doesn't matter, communication does (Score 1) 201

Ravens communicate. They can even mimic humans. No-one is saying that they are close to, or compare with, human intelligence, but AS FAR AS BIRDS ARE they're incredible. They can even fashion tools, something not even monkeys do (chimps are apes NOT monkeys). Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtmLVP0HvDg

Comment Re:Raven... (Score 1) 201

Cephalopods aren't further removed from humans than ravens! Cephalopods are mammals, birds evolved from reptiles, there feathers are developed scales.Also their 'intelligence' is overrated and it seem their large brains are for communication, a dolphin is too stupid to leap over fishing net buoys which seals do with ease.

Comment Re:Am I the only... (Score 1) 602

The vuvuzela idea (culture?) developed through two routes. In the Cape (South) the fishermen would hawk their fish in the suburbs on carts. They'd blow through a dried piece of kelp, like one would a bugle, and housewives would send their children to buy the 'fish of the day'',mostly snoek. So the monotone is well known from childhood.Now in the North, the Africans had a 'crier' who brought news, opened ceremonies, etc. There they use a Kudu horn, a long, spiral antelope horn also blown like a bugle (as the Pacific Island conch- shell) So it came naturally to use a similar instrument to 'voice' support for a sports team. The question is though, if it's a bugle, why can't they play a tune?

Comment Re:Black South Africa failed.... (Score 1) 240

I agree with all you say, EXCEPT "Stable 'empires' existed way before the Europeans came". In Southern Africa the Xhosa fled south, the Swazi north, the Matebeli even further north, over the Limpopo...all to escape Shaka. In the rest of Africa the murder, rape and plunder is what drove the Zulu (and ultimately Shaka) down here in the first place! Ethiopia was never colonised, is it a stable 'empire'?

Comment Let's have a competition! (Score 1) 268

Let's have a competition. Private people (no tech businesses allowed). We send in pics and find the S.T.A.S.H (Super Tech.Appliance Squirrel Hoarder). I start with a GARAGE full of bits and pieces, starting with a Heathkit CPU (circ. 1980), thru ZX Spectrums, Radioshack TRS. 80's, Commodore VIC 20 and 64's etc, etc. Beat that small fry! The wife will be happy that SOMETHING came of it all!

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