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Comment Re:Black South Africa failed.... (Score 1) 240

I agree with all you say, EXCEPT "Stable 'empires' existed way before the Europeans came". In Southern Africa the Xhosa fled south, the Swazi north, the Matebeli even further north, over the Limpopo...all to escape Shaka. In the rest of Africa the murder, rape and plunder is what drove the Zulu (and ultimately Shaka) down here in the first place! Ethiopia was never colonised, is it a stable 'empire'?

Comment Let's have a competition! (Score 1) 268

Let's have a competition. Private people (no tech businesses allowed). We send in pics and find the S.T.A.S.H (Super Tech.Appliance Squirrel Hoarder). I start with a GARAGE full of bits and pieces, starting with a Heathkit CPU (circ. 1980), thru ZX Spectrums, Radioshack TRS. 80's, Commodore VIC 20 and 64's etc, etc. Beat that small fry! The wife will be happy that SOMETHING came of it all!

Comment Re:Livestock eat 6 times more food than they provi (Score 1) 640

You all forget one eenzy weenzy fact. It takes 6 units of plant protein for US to make 1 unit of meat protein (in our body-mass) too! So when we eat steak, we are getting concentrated protein, or we'd have to eat a LOT of bran which also takes a lot of energy to grow, be processed, packaged, bought, delived and eaten.

Comment Re:Food? (Score 1) 640

A double-wammy win! That's it! In order to make the cow walk it will have to be fed (kinda carrot on a stick) this would mean the food will have to be brought to it. Much too much energy waste there. So places where this MUST BE DONE ANYWAY, like in winter, these treadmills might just work. Even to offset the cost of warming them, or maybe the walking will make them warm themselves. A double-wammy win!

Comment Re:I can verify it's true (Score 1) 257

Thank heavens! Someone who sees sense and knows what he's talking about! What almost all don't realise is that you are only thinking of one thing at a time. If a high-speed photo were taken of a musician's brain it would be seen to be, for that moment, concentrating on ONE thing. But alternating between the tasks at light speed. Like a CPU. They are saying that we are like two CPU's RUNNING IN PARALELL. Geditt?

Comment Re:Absolute BS... (Score 1) 257

What you and almost all don't realise is that you are only thinking of one thing at a time. If a high-speed photo were taken of a musician's brain it would be seen to be, for that moment, concentrating on ONE thing. But alternating between the tasks at light speed. Like a CPU. They are saying that we are like two CPU's RUNNING IN PARALELL. Geditt?

Comment The UFO, ORGANICS danger. (Score 1) 311

When the meanings of words change for most of the population there is a danger because people ASSUME you mean alien craft, not a possible plastic packet, when using'UFO'. As with the 'organic vegetable' craze. ALL vegetables are organic, and any farmer can sell them as such. Whether they are organically GROWN is another matter entirely!

Comment Re:Yesbut... (Score 1) 219

Yes but won't the sunlight reflected back heat the atmosphere AGAIN? On it's downward route, then off the Bubbles (heating them as well), then re-heating the atmosphere again. What the 'ex-spurts' don't realise is that the sunlight entering our atmosphere will dissipate it's heat one way or the other, if one does not reflect it all the way out of the atmosphere, back into space!

Comment It's known as Continental Drift!! (Score 1) 460

Why is it that 'Ex-Spurts' are so narrow minded? The Christmas Tsunami was the result of volcanic activity in the Indian Ocean. The Himalayas are fold-mountains caused by India moving North and China having non of it. The epicentre of the Chilean Quake rose more than a meter (3 feet) in a matter of seconds. What goes up can come down. Even a sandbar island.

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