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Comment Re:Noscript (Score 1) 230

You mean the one at the top-right corner of the page that says "Disable Advertising" that I haven't checked because the advertisements on this web site aren't overly annoying or obtrusive?

I'm more bothered by the PARTY LIKE IT'S 1989 layout on this web site that consistently breaks whenever I attempt to expand/collapse comments, or even do something so simple as post response.

Comment Re:Basic tools (Score 1) 511

Our brains are just geared to use tools in the actual world rather than virtual objects.

I feel like this is probably the main reason most offices haven't gone paperless yet. Who works in most offices?

In the future, when nearly everyone alive has grown up dealing primarily with these virtual objects on their computer screens, I think we'll have a far more receptive audience for the paperless office.

Getting off your lawn now.

Comment Re:Some security measures don't seem practical. (Score 1) 389

some of those hosts have passwords which expire every 30 days

This is slightly off-topic, but I have to question how useful it is to require people to change their passwords often. Chances are, when someone breaks into your computer, they're going to leave a back door, so they can get in, regardless of the actual password. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

I'd like to take this one step further: is there anyone who actually creates a new password when they have to change theirs? Mine are always another password I've used in the past, or a variation on the one I'm currently using.

I made a conscious effort several years ago to create a few very strong passwords and memorize them. I see no reason why I should have to change them.

Comment Re:MLM Scam strikes again? (Score 1) 155

You echo my sentiments exactly, but I'm actually kind of curious if anyone could come up with a legitimate answer to that question. I've seen so many scams like this through the years and immediately brushed them off, as they were obvious, but others still get caught up in them.

I just feel like there's something I must be missing.

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