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Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 413

It does if you're running 8 on ARM. Not to mention the inability of the 32-bit variants to run 64-bit stuff. There is plenty of room for confusion if people don't know the basics of their OS. There is also plenty of software that has to use a slightly different method of installation on Windows 7 versus XP (running the setup as administrator, for instance).

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 413

Wait. Many (most?) people don't know the difference between Windows XP and Windows 7, let alone the differences between the 32-bit and 64-bit variants. You ask them what operating system they have and they'll say "Windows" without any qualifiers. Now you add into that mix a Windows 8 that also supports ARM but has no compatibility with x86 and what do you get? A whole lot of confusion stemming from people not even knowing what to ask for when they go to buy a piece of software for their computers.

Not the fault of Microsoft? What are you smoking?

Comment Re:HDD -- SSD (Score 2) 221

I was wondering why you got marked flame bait. I agree with you, for the most part.

The Linux community, especially the people working on driver technology, need to come to some common ground so the hardware folks don't have such a hard time supporting Linux. I'm rooting for Linux in the long run, but I don't see how they will hit any significant desktop numbers without some serious standardization on the driver front (like an ABI).

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