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Comment Whatever you chose, make it automatable (Score 1) 479

Whatever style you choose, make sure that it can be generated with whatever automatic formatting tools you have available. This allows you to cut-n-paste code from other sources, and not waste precious time hand-formatting it (or leaving it in the wrong style). It also avoids the problem of lazy programmers feeling butt-hurt when somebody points out that their code does not follow the style. They can simply run their sloppy code through the pretty-printer before committing it.

Comment naive (Score 1) 479

If you think the only way anybody will ever view your code is in a "sane IDE", you are mistaken. Just because your current IDE can compensate for your bad formatting, that doesn't make your bad formatting a good practice.

Comment alignment can matter (Score 1) 479

I wonder how long you have been writing code, if you don't yet realize that sometimes aligning things vertically across several lines can increase clarity. If everybody gets to set their own indentation amounts (by changing tab width), then this benefit is lost. Tables were invented for a reason, and sometimes code is tabular. And if you think a tab character is how you get a table, you are sadly mistaken.

For example, having same-line comments start at column 60 (when possible) makes code easier to read. If you go changing the tab character to 4 spaces, that alignment is ruined.

Also a reason for not using proportional fonts.

Comment Re:Stallman who? (Score 2) 1452

Compare emacs with the shiny toys Jobs made and I think we see who comes out on top.

Way to cherry-pick facts to back up your bias. Compare GCC with the Lisa and see who comes out on top.

But now that I re-read your post, perhaps you were being ironic. Emacs was plainly more innovative than any of Apple's "shiny toys". Less popular, of course, but why would we nerds care about that?

Comment Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri (Score 1) 518

Looking Glass's Terra Nova was a real diamond in the rough. Vast outdoor environments (in 1996!), weapon/armor/squadmate selections that actually mattered, jump jets, squadmate commands (that worked!), limited ammo, horrible acting. That game had it all. God, I still want to play it.

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