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Comment Re:Yes and no (Score 1) 338

You are tracked by your bank and CC company every time you use your card anyways.

That's acceptable - you want your bank to check it is you using your card, not someone else, right? The bigger issue is being tracked when you are not using your card ...

Comment Re:How many people are new to computer? (Score 1) 718

At least in USA, the schools have been exposing children to computers from fourth grade. Have been doing so for years. So how many people who have not used computers before are starting to use computers now?

Those very children are starting to use computers. We are still making more of them (children), and as far as I am aware netbooks running Windows 7 are not (yet) being handed out in-utero so there is still a chance to educate them in the alternatives before they become indoctrinated. Modern children are arguably the most important group to wean off a software monoculture - many of us oldies are past it.

Comment Re:No people complain when you over claim (Score 2, Insightful) 427

For example I was trying to move to a Linux desktop at work, to learn more about Linux and its working in our setup. However, being work, I had to be able to get everything done. So I tried Linux AV software and it was crap, couldn't do what I needed to do. I went and asked our Linux head if he'd be willing to help see if Wine could run Sony Vegas. He said sure. After 3 days of fairly intense work and research, he said no, he could find no way to make it run. He was pretty good too, he didn't blow this off he really tried.

You're approaching it the wrong way. If the existing linux-specific software is not acceptable, and the only alternative is to run some windows software, then run it on windows - especially for AV stuff (that gets really pernickety about HW and drivers for sound and graphics cards, and even on Windows can be difficult to get right).

Then you need to lobby your boss. If running everything on Linux is beneficial for your business, but you are unable to do so because of the lack of suitable software, then you need to get your boss to agree to allocate a certain percentage of your time to improving the software portfolio for AV stuff on Linux. Say, spend every Friday afternoon for the next year testing and bug-reporting on existing Linux alternatives. Won't cost your boss a lot, but may mean that in a year or two's time you are able to ditch your Windows box and the proprietary software you run on it, and migrate to an open source solution you have had a hand in developing and making sure did what you needed it to do.

Then you can happily run some non-critical but useful tools using wine while performing your main tasks using a native application.

Comment Re:Games? (Score 1) 427

>>>I raid 25/10's under wine with no problem

Think WINE 1.2 will run Netscape ISP's Dialup program or Web Accelerator? Last time I tried Wine crashed on both of these these programs. It also didn't run any Internet Explorer more advanced than IE6.

Anticipated question: "You're still on dialup?"

I would have thought the anticipated question should have been "you need a proprietary Windows application to access your dialup?!". Lots of people still need dialup, most of them use standardised utilities to configure it. My 60 year old mother used a dialup connection on her Linux computer for years, and the only wine she needed was in a glass.

Comment Re:Um, I went many years (Score 1) 514

Perhaps you missed this part: "...most of which..." Nokia has made many, many phone models, orders of magnitude more in number than Apple has. I believe his point was that Nokia has much more experience in antenna design than Apple so it isn't wise to completely discount their opinions, especially when their track record overall is pretty good.

Hence Nokia sueing apple for their "unlawful use of Nokia innovation": geek.com

It is the opinion of some people that Nokia legal action was the driver for Apple to invest in their own antenna designs - Apple are apparently convinced they will lose (can't remember where I read that) which implies they were actually just using Nokia designs until now. Of course Nokia have made a few mistakes along the way, but they - and others, like Ericsson, LG, Motorola, etc have much more experience in these areas, and know what works and what doesn't. And they don't put form before function.

Comment Re:Unreadiness for Spills (Score 5, Insightful) 601

Any success that BP may or may not have in this endeavor does not change the fact that they should have had methods to cap a blowout ready before they started drilling. The fact that this well has been gushing for months is simply unacceptable. The keystone cops spectacle of Top-Hat, Hot-Tap, Junk Shot (tm) is strong evidence that BP didn't devote any significant resources to dealing with a deep water blowout. Strong regulation of these rogue corporations is needed. They should not be able to drill without having capping equipment and emergency tankers ready at dock.

sed 's/BP/the oil industry/g'

I didn't see any of the other large multinationals drilling in the area jumping in and offering their solutions. This gung-ho approach is not restricted to BP, it's endemic in the culture of the oil industry, and all the other companies are looking on grateful it wasn't them that got "unlucky".

Just wait until this happens in Alaska or somewhere where it's a trifle more difficult to get to with the relief equipment.

I'm off down to the local planetarium to put a down-payment on a new planet for my kids. They're going to need it.

Comment Re:Imagine (Score 1, Insightful) 97

Imagine the fuel savings if every office worker that was able could telecommute instead of burning fuel to get to a job that could be done from home. Imagine the money saved on road maintenance and other things associated with the reduction in traffic. For at least the last 15 years I have commuted back and forth every day to perform a job I could have done without ever leaving my home.

Most office workers would be incapable of working from home all the time - partly from lack of motivation, partly from lack of social interaction. A lot of face to face meetings are pretty important too, and much as they are laughed at, water fountain conversations are where a lot of personal and business relationships are fostered.

The real alternative would be if people lived close to their offices and walked or cycled in every day. It would improve fitness, but also improve communities. In my country lots of people cannot afford to live close to city centers or business parks where they work, so they live in large housing estates on the edge of the city. This leads to estates where essentially everyone is away all day, everyone spends an hour or two in their cars instead of socialising or spending time with families. Then people spend the weekends in their cars again because suddenly all their friends, shops, social and sporting engagements are long distances away from where they live, and so the estates themselves never achieve a sense of community. And, of course, lots of fuel gets burnt.

I'm not sure how this can be rectified - town planning, perhaps, but it also needs a cultural mind-shift away from the car as the preferred mode of transport. It amazes me to see how people will drive 10 miles to the sports center, cycle 20 miles on an exercise bike in an air-conditioned room under strip lights, then drive 10 miles back. WTF?

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