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Comment Meanwhile... (Score 1) 747

... meanwhile on anti-vax FB pages that I have gotten into, they are having measles-parties, mumps-parties, and the like. Intentionally exposing their kids to disease.

Comment Re:Bizarre advice (Score 1) 114

It seems to me that we are approaching a brave new time when only the skills and knowledge which are economically valuable will be taught.

This paragraph gives me the impression that you advocate educational institutions should resist giving what students and society wants out of education and instead deliver what some intellectual elite thinks is more valuable.

I read that as "we should only teach skills and knowledge that provides more monetary value for the society in the long run, compared to the resources spent on education". As a whole, I agree. However, we should improve on detecting childs clearly above average and using extra resources on them. I believe that everybody should have basic education but there's no reason to spend huge amount of education resources on everybody.

Comment Re:Short answer: I don't (Score 1) 88

I don't check (I prefer word "review" or "audit" here) the libraries for security vulnerabilities before I start using them. However, I only accept libraries than come with the source and I do cursory review of the code with a question in mind:

"Would I be willing to fix a bug in this library if the original author were not willing to fix it?"

Only if the code looks sane enough that I can answer "yes" I even start using the library. And the security is only a small part of the picture here! If the library does anything important within the product, any major bug in it's behavior will cause major issues for my product, too. If I cannot (at least in theory) fix the library, I'm not going to use it.

I might use a closed source library for some totally optional feature in the product but even in that case I'd keep looking for another solution with the source. And with "optional feature" I mean something that can be disabled or removed if any evidence comes up for the library having a security issue.

Comment Re:Shalebridge (Score 1) 110

The new Thief has a similar level: a haunted asylum. It has a shock scare early on (you will predict it, too obvious) and a few chills within but isn't nearly as scary as Shalebridge, not by a longshot.

Shalebridge still freaks me out.

Comment Re:Game is okay (Score 1) 110

I played through Dishonored several times because I was needing a stealth fix. The method of gameplay does affect the outcome but the number of those outcomes isn't huge (think Mass Effect 3's Pick-A-Colour ending). Dishonored was far too easy, I play on the hardest difficulty and ghosted it ending with a happy cutscene ending, hardest and killed everyone where plague rats ran amok and the end cutscene was rather grim and everything in between.

The Blink spell and Dark Vision spells made the game a walk in the park.

It's a very good game and does pay homage to the Thief series in a few parts. If you see it on sale, it's worth a buy if only for another type of stealthy-type game.

Comment Re:You just got low expectations (Score 1) 110

System Shock 2 is available on for both PC and Mac. It is one of the finest FPS/sneak/RP games you will ever play. It is still is my #1 spot.

Because I am such a wonderful person, email me (address is visible above) with a random bunch of junk text then reply to this post with the same junk and I'll gift you the game. You can be playing it in an hour...

Comment Re:My thoughts as a die-hard Thief fan. (Score 1) 110

It doesn't help the story, add to characterization, flesh out the setting, etc, it's just there because someone wanted to get away with it and be edgy. Except that too much of it and it just becomes stupid and puerile, actively hurting the final product

Thank you! You explained my overall dissatisfaction with it far better than I did. It didn't help or improve Thief in any way whatsoever.

Comment Re:My thoughts as a die-hard Thief fan. (Score 1) 110

Save your preaching, they are only games.

We play the Thief series as pure stealth games, we don't kill (except perhaps monsters). It's like grown up Hide & Seek.

The stuff in the new Thief you see in the brothel is pretty nice (for a grownup :)) but I don't want my almost-8 year old seeing S&M or some whore riding a guy. Maybe you do, but I'd rather not.

Tell me, Freud, what is my main problem?

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