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Comment Re:Grand until the update bricks your phone (Score 1) 207

Apologies, just checked the web and it seems the improvement was mainly in 4.1, not 4.2 - so you should have the benefits of it already. Your phone is likely as fast as it it is going to get in the 4.x cycle, though (in my experience) none of the later updates slowed it down again. 3g is incompatible with iOS 5.0, so there will be no option to install that (thankfully).

I know the slowdown affected different phones differently, maybe something to do with their batches of RAM?

In any case, phone-calls and texts would take minutes to make or crash the phone, I'd usually never be able to answer the phone as it would freeze for longer than it would ring for, and crashes galore.

Happy. Fun. Times.

Comment Re:Grand until the update bricks your phone (Score 1) 207

There was a BIG speed improvement at iOS 4.2, if I am not mistaken. Still doesn't bring you to the 3.x speeds, but at least the apps are compatible.

I think most of the slowdown was due to the search functionality being screwed up (searchlight?). Turning this off made the phone semi-useable. Still, Apple had to be informed of this by users who figured it out (deny the problem... maybe it'll go away?)

Comment Grand until the update bricks your phone (Score 1) 207

Speaking from experience: I had a less-than-a-year-old iPhone 3g, which got semi-bricked when I installed the iOS 4 update last summer (stated as compatible, as in Vista-compatible).

At the time, I was able to downgrade back to a previous iOS release; but, being unable to call even emergency numbers for minutes (oh, if the phone didn't crash entirely) until they fixed their memory-hogging, badly written OS months later (iOS 4.2), would be a very bad thing.

Comment Re:Now I am intrigued... (Score 1) 86

But that's entirelly irrelevant to the current use of the term, which relates purely to the time after William of Orange, it has no connection with the original Celtic god.

You might as well say it is ironic that Christians worship on a Sunday, which is named after the ancientt Sun god.

Begging your pardon (and ignoring the conflation of Christ with Sun gods in early Romano-Christian history); I think the comparison might be more apt if a group of Christians worshipped on Thursday, a day named after Thor, so named themselves Thursians.

Personally, I would find that ironic - perhaps it's that extra step of actually naming yourself after the deity.

However, your mileage may vary.

On a related note, I find it somewhat amusing that many Christians (in my experience) would term saying "Christ" as blasphemy, and think of it as something akin to a surname - not knowing it as the transliteration of the simple Greek "Christos" (Saviour)

Comment Re:Facebook is a good tool (Score 3, Interesting) 411

Exactly. One doesn't blame the mail service because one has sent out invites for spammers to send spam letters.

Facebook enables you to keep in touch with those you want to keep in touch with. If you are finding that those you friend send more trash than value, there is a simple answer:

Don’t friend them.

Seriously, if you don't want to spend time listening to drivel - you would avoid the drivelers - not cut off your ears (well, I hope not).

Caveat emptor: If you end up with no friends, it is likely a statement on your standards, or your choice of acquaintances.

Comment Re:Now I am intrigued... (Score 5, Informative) 86

Indeed, and the title is older than the English word "orange" itself. This was introduced to English in the early 1500's (just in time for Shakespeare to complain its lack of rhyme...), and is termed after the name for the fruit. Prior to this, the colour was "geoluhread" (yellow-red). Note, we don't call it "carrot", as (yellow-red) carrots were developed in the 1700s.

Now, the house of Orange comes from the city, originally "Arausio", in southern France. This was named for the local Celtic water God of the same name.

Being Irish, I admit I find it somewhat ironic that the "Orange-men" are originally termed for a pagan, Celtic god...

Comment Re:Last Wishes (Score 5, Interesting) 838

I heard an interview with Pratchett on the radio (Ireland). He stated that the singular tragedy was this: The guy in this film had to cut short his life while he could still enjoy it, for this very reason.

He had to travel, and to end his existence, while still lucid and still capable.

All for fear he would reach a point of no return, and no hope of exit.

Comment Re:fp! (Score 1) 336

Yep, but those were the days when they would delete your account if you didn't use it in 3 months or so (1996 or so for me). We didn't have dialup even at home, so one day the account went bye-bye. Had my original Slashdot account linked to it too. No low ID for me :/

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