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Comment Fascism is coming (Score 3, Interesting) 536

This didn't start with Obama either. This is ingrained in our society, and accepted by many in the name of national security. That's a very grave mistake. Books like "The Federal Mafia" have been banned, and New York Times reporters have been silenced by being thrown in jail. It is very troubling that this trend continues, and everyone should be protesting it.

Comment Re:The fact is, US is just as bad as China (Score 1) 536

It's the concept that's the problem, not the quantity. Even if there's suppression of free speech of just 1 out of 300 million, that's a problem.

New York Times reporters are being thrown in jail for stories that they report. Things are getting exceptionally bad in the U.S. No we don't have free speech.

Comment The label and the artist pretty much agree... (Score 1) 495

going in that the artist will take profits from touring and the label takes the profits from album sales. Indie artists still have a tough time without a label because advertising costs are high. Getting onto the home page of iTunes or played on MTV isn't cheap, and connections hold as much weight as money does.

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