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Comment Re:Supercomputers are pretty useless (Score 1) 125

Unfortunately the commercial fluid dynamics codes often have quite restrictive licenses where you pay for a certain number of cores. I've seen academic HPC queues full of 8-core jobs with hundreds of cores available, because that was all they could justify a license for. It's an absurdly artificial restriction (a bit like limiting numbers of tracks in cut-down music software), but >Ansys are fairly unrepentant at the moment.

Comment Re:Supercomputers are pretty useless (Score 1) 125

This mostly agrees with my experience. Here's some data: This is a breakdown of the codes used on HECToR, the main UK academic cluster. It is dominated by chemistry; generally in chemistry the main computational challenge is in performing very large matrix diagonalisations to solve approximations of quantum mechanical systems. Clearly generous allocation and effective sharing of memory is critical for this kind of task.

Comment Re:doesn't help people take games seriously either (Score 1) 737

I approve of this world view! Now we just need to convince professionals not to attend unprofessional conferences... This could be difficult if it is the professionals who are making the environment unprofessional, but we must try. I personally find it difficult to challenge "low-level" sexism without seeming overly judgemental or sensitive; to some extent it is this low-level criticism we need to make more common, instead of strong reactions to isolated incidents which provoke strong and unproductive debate.

Comment Re:doesn't help people take games seriously either (Score 1) 737

Feminism does support all of those things, but with one caveat. Women are different to men.

Judith Butler showed that to be a very problematic statement. If both sex and gender are socially constructed, it's difficult to employ any kind of biological argument. You may need to broaden and update your idea of "feminism".

Comment Finder Tabs: about time (Score 1) 464

Looking forwards to Finder Tabs. I use a Mac at work and Linux at home and find the tabs in Dolphin and Konquerer a pretty much essential aspect of any gui filesystem work. (Mostly I like CLI but sometimes you have to accept that clicking and dragging really is quicker). Just like multiple desktops, Apple are a few years behind but doing well to pick up the useful bits. Speaking of which, I hope they've dropped the absurd restrictions in moving windows between multiple monitors and workspaces.

Comment Re:A host of things (Score 1) 1215

You missed my point.

There are plenty of great reasons to not use Linux for professional audio.

I'm not trying to make you switch. I'm not saying you've been irrational or unethical. I'm just trying to point out that getting messed around by DRM on freaking AUDIO SAMPLES is an insane situation to be in. Audio samples are one of the most basic resources in music production. Not being able to hack around your samples is like having a pen that only writes on branded paper. What if you want to write on the side of a tin can? This is supposed to be art! Sure a computer is a tool, and a tool should not make too many assumptions about what you are doing. I only mentioned WINE options as an example of a transition for someone that has already been screwed; it's still a rubbish situation to be in. The best course of action is to make some great music with your DRM while you still can! And then sell it to a DRM-free indie game ;-)

Comment Re:A host of things (Score 1) 1215

For general-purpose sampling, there are quite a few companies out there offering samples in SFZ or gigastudio format. Personally I'd be reluctant to call a sample pack "samples" if you don't have access to the audio files. It looks like Vienna Symphonic Library used to be available in a friendly format, but is now closed off, so there is a genuine lack of professional-level orchestral samples. Of course, if you can afford VSL then you can probably justify extra hardware like an offline winXP box or a Muse Receptor, controlled over MIDI.

  Failing that, I hear Kontakt works well in WINE if you have a proper audio setup. (The Muse Receptor compatibility would support this.)

There are plenty of great reasons to not use Linux for professional audio. I remain unconvinced that getting taken for a ride by sample producers is one of them.

Comment Re:because desktop linux is a toy and novelty (Score 1) 1215

At the sort of very advanced level we're talking about above, Excel can be evil. Finding a modeling error in a spreadsheet can be very hard; even knowing that it's there can be very hard. Build a complex spreadsheet that uses the most advanced functions and keep it error free? You'd better be really good, and more than a little lucky. (LibreOffice etc. are subject to the same thing, of course.)

Spreadsheets are abused. At the most complex levels they can be abused seriously. They are not a substitute for something like Octave, SciCalc, or SageMath, where at least all the formulae are out in the open and not inside cells.

This. I also find spreadsheets conceptually limiting; I'm a scientist and do most of my data processing in the form of multi-dimensional arrays and structures in MATLAB or Python. (Octave is also respectable but isn't as good at importing data files.) Excel really limits you to two dimensions, and referencing between multiple tables and sheets can get very awkward very fast. I worry that when people grow up with Excel it limits the way they think about data.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
