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Comment Re:Here's the real problem he has (Score 1) 479

Actually, if you're meeting about the structure of something (a small part of a project, program, ...) it's foolish to not put it in a diagram. I'm not sure how your reports generally are, but mine are very short and I do have a tendency to visualize data as to make it easy to quickly go through it. I'd like to see you draw a process flow in plain HTML in the same time I do it in M$ Word ;)

Comment Re:Here's the real problem he has (Score 2) 479

The problem is that people use Word for things it wasn't designed to do. Word is fine for typing short letters, summaries of a meeting, etc. In fact I don't think there's any better tool out there for that particular job. It's easy to use, quick, intuitive compared to the competition and you have a good editor for it on every platform that matters. For typesetting though you should use a typesetting system.

Comment Re:No need for cameras. (Score 1) 732

The elevation display on most GPS units sucks badly though unless you give it a lot of time to average out its error. The main reason for this is that they design the units to track the roads so position on the surface is far more important than the actual elevation. Based on this the filters are modified to give the most accurate result possible in that respect, which might negatively affect the other measurements. Because raw GPS data won't help you much, ideally you get the coordinates from the GPS unit and use a database to determine the elevation. Keep in mind this only counts for cheap GPS modules such as you find in phones and low-end car systems.

Comment Re:radioactive water (Score 1) 111

That's not a bad idea actually, if you add sufficient lead padding that might just work quite well. The question is off-course how much of a temperature difference you'd be looking at. And you'd have to choose the prism and lens materials very well, else you could end up with x-rays slamming into your sensor at an above average frequency which would significantly increase the noise levels. So you'd have to average the data over a considerable time to be certain.

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