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Comment Re:Ummmm.... (Score 1) 319

You can't tell me that when I need 30% of CPU to run HTML5 video, or the same CPU utilization to run some stupid JavaScript counter that JavaScript is on par with Java. Optimal Java runs only 3 times slower as C code, but JavaScript still hogs down my CPU. Web apps are still just a nice gimmick, I would really hate my life if I had to use a web app replacement for my work or in my free time. And yes, that includes "advanced" sites like Facebook. HTML is simply not designed to be a web app, and neither was the web or JavaScript.

Comment Re:Pointless (Score 1) 755

Web servers run the Internet, so I would say that they "run everything". Whatever, the question was about whether or not Linux is mainstream. It doesn't really matter if it's highly customized or not. That is actually a selling point of Linux, that you can customize it. How is Stallman keeping Linux from mainstream desktop? He doesn't run anything (Canonical or RedHat or Suse), he is not a developer, he is an activist. And without him there would be no Linux, because there would be no gcc or all the other GNU tools, and no GPL, the license that made Linux successful.

I used now a lot of laptops with Linux and usually it runs everything out of the box. 10 years ego I had problems with a DSL modem, but there was also a driver available. Linux have usually problems with printers and scanners if those vendors chose not to support Linux.

Comment Re:Pointless (Score 2) 755

First of all, Linux is already mainstream on servers, super computers, embedded systems, smartphones, etc. Second, what have Stallman to do with anything? If there would be no Stallman and GNU, there wouldn't be Linux. But today Stallman don't play a major role in Linux development anymore. Third, a Linux system is pretty easy to use. Just install it and it works. And lastly, no user care one bit about the discussion over systemd. Users are just using what is the default and if it works, it's fine. Sysvinit and systemd are just fine for users, it's only the hardcore old school users that are whining about systemd.

Comment Thnings are not like I want them to be (Score 1) 716

Is that another "things are not like I wanted them to be" posts? Linux is a community of vastly different groups with lots of different interests, with over 100,000 software packages, each scratching an itch. If you want a complete "experience" then MacOSX or even Windows is maybe better for you, i.e. a computer system where each component is designed from only one vendor. As a newbie Linux user myself, I'm pretty amazed that all those thousands of different software packages, all from different developers, can even work together and that even better than, for example, on Windows. On Windows I remember that every software app brings a whole SDK so it can run, and there is zero reusing of software packages (except for the Windows SDK).

Comment Re:Modula-3 FTW! (Score 1) 492

I use Java apps all the time and there is no different between native apps and Java apps. Incomplete list of Java apps that I use: VisualParadigm, Eclipse, FreeMind, ArgoUML. JEdit is quite popular, just like Netbeans.

"Java is just a pig, with its jitting, memory hogging, heavyweight thread locks, etc, etc."

Sure, whatever.

Java is one of the most popular languages, topped only by C, and sometimes ASP.NET and PHP.

Comment Re:Problems in C++ (Score 1) 386

I never understood the distinction between "release" and "debug" code. It's sure wonderful if on your own development machine with the few test cases you get meaningful error codes, but on the client's computer your program just crash. I'm sure the client will appreciate how fast your program crash with "release" code, only to not have the possibility to give you a meaningful error code to fix it.

Comment Re:Problems in C++ (Score 2) 386

No. 4 is rubbish. There is no reason why declaring a linkage interface with external code couldn't be done without code duplication. In C there is a reason to have forward declarations, to have a method to hide the interface, and hide the private code. See for example FILE. But in C++ you must declare your private methods of a class, which is total rubbish.

Comment Re:Modula-3 FTW! (Score 0) 492

Why do you need native compilation? Java's runtime optimization and hot spot compiler are just as good. If your argument is that you don't need the Java Runtime, any application needs libraries anyway, and who cares if it's a JRE or the Boost+STL+Network+GUI+... libraries.

The biggest advantage of lack of native compilation is that I can use any Jar library and it will work. Not like in C/C++ where you need the same compiler, the same system and the same architecture of a library as your program. Furthermore, I can run the Jar app on Windows/Linux/MacOS.

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