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Submission + - Engine data reveals that Flight 370 flew on for hours after it "disappeared". (

Advocatus Diaboli writes: "Aviation investigators and national security officials believe the plane flew for a total of five hours based on data automatically downloaded and sent to the ground from the Boeing Co. 777's engines as part of a routine maintenance and monitoring program."

"As part of its maintenance agreements, Malaysia Airlines transmits its engine data live to Rolls-Royce for analysis. The system compiles data from inside the 777's two Trent 800 engines and transmits snapshots of performance, as well as the altitude and speed of the jet. Those snippets are compiled and transmitted in 30-minute increments, said one person familiar with the system."

Submission + - How the NSA Plans to Infect 'Millions' of Computers with Malware (

Advocatus Diaboli writes: Top-secret documents reveal that the National Security Agency is dramatically expanding its ability to covertly hack into computers on a mass scale by using automated systems that reduce the level of human oversight in the process. The classified files – provided previously by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden – contain new details about groundbreaking surveillance technology the agency has developed to infect potentially millions of computers worldwide with malware “implants.” The clandestine initiative enables the NSA to break into targeted computers and to siphon out data from foreign Internet and phone networks.

Submission + - Surveillance and Dirty Tricks by GCHQ against Hacktivist Organisations (

Advocatus Diaboli writes: One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents..

Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums.

Submission + - MS handing NSA access to encrypted chat & email (

kaptink writes: Microsoft helped the NSA to circumvent its encryption to address concerns that the agency would be unable to intercept web chats on the new portal. The agency already had pre-encryption stage access to email on, including Hotmail. The company worked with the FBI this year to allow the NSA easier access via Prism to its cloud storage service SkyDrive, which now has more than 250 million users worldwide. Microsoft also worked with the FBI's Data Intercept Unit to "understand" potential issues with a feature in that allows users to create email aliases. Skype, which was bought by Microsoft in October 2011, worked with intelligence agencies last year to allow Prism to collect video of conversations as well as audio. Material collected through Prism is routinely shared with the FBI and CIA, with one NSA document describing the program as a "team sport".

Comment The system selects for CONmen and Shysters (Score 4, Interesting) 114

I remember writing a post about this phenomena about a year ago. The short version of the story is that over the last 30-40 years, universities and research institutes have increasingly recruited "scientist" with strong tendencies towards showmanship, fraud, lying and bullshitting. This change is largely due to changing nature of incentives as well as methods of evaluation and promotion in these institutions. Peer reviewed research and grants are probably the biggest culprit. Here is the link:

Submission + - Speculation About The Feasibility of India's 2013 Mars Mission (

Advocatus Diaboli writes: Last week, I read about some morons in UK get all bitchy about an official announcement regarding India plan to launch an unmanned orbiter probe to mars during late 2013. While this project has been known to exist since 2010, most people outside ISRO never thought that it would be followed up so vigorously. This belief is understandable since Indian politicians and bureaucrats, who control the purse strings of government projects, are rightly seen as morons who drive out competent Indian scientists or destroy their dreams. However this post is not about the state of politics and governance in India, which almost every Indian has had considerable experience with. The post is about whether such a probe is feasible and deliverable within the set time-frame, with available funding using available technology. The post also briefly recounts previous unmanned orbital missions to Mars by NASA and the ESA and compares them to the proposed Indian mission.

Comment Corporations ARE the Modern Version of Fiefdoms (Score 1) 407

That is because Corporations are the Modern Version of Fiefdoms ( with a fatal obsession for "Metrics and Productivity" ( both which can be easily gamed. Furthermore their supposed focus on shareholder value makes them susceptible to short-termism ( as the reward system is rather dystopic (

Comment The Super Computer Race is a Sad Scam (Score -1, Troll) 151

What are these machines being used for anyway? What have we achieved so far? How far has simulation of complex natural systems been helpful in understanding them? Can we make better predictions using faster computers or more refined algorithms? So far, computer simulations have not helped us understand or find dark matter- if something like that even exists. Our ability to predict the weather is still shit, and our climate models require “correction” factors to even approach observed values. Our ability to model protein folding and bio-molecular interactions is still pretty pathetic. This state of affairs has persisted in the face of colossal increases in available computational power. So what is going on? Why haven’t the computer gods delivered? Why would throwing more computational power at a problem solve it if previous attempts to do so have proved futile?

Comment Delusions of capability (Score 2) 211

Their biggest problem is not fixable and is linked to what type of communication ultimately destroys a fraudulent society. Hint: It is the mundane stuff. and it also does not help that intelligence agencies are run by status hungry human beings.

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