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Comment Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score -1) 699

"Sounds less to do with the religion and more to do with those practicing it. What makes religion religion as opposed to a mere collection of rituals and superstitions are the people that indoctrinate. Sometimes they take a path of free knowledge and guidance, sometimes the path is to beat it into the heads of the young."

uh religion IS rituals and superstitions, though people like to play word games and say theirs isn't. all of religion indoctrinates, no matter what people may say. if you were to learn what the word means, it means learning without critical thinking and self-evaluation hence why all religious people at some point will stubbornly refuse to question something about their religion, because criticism of your beliefs in whatever religion you follow hurts your beliefs.
all religion has indoctrination, even the most lax new age religion has it. why? because whatever forces you believe in can't be directly asked in the way you might ask your religious leaders, it can only be guessed at, so it is better to just accept the things you are told.

Comment Re:Not *one* result... ever. (Score -1) 111

i hope you are joking, because if you are not, then duuuuuh
of course something so taboo in society won't yield much, if anything useful.
if people didn't freak out over embryonic stem cells i bet it would yield way more. embryonic stem cells are waaayyy more useful than adult ones, but the governments and companies will barely touch them due to backlash.

pepsi and other pop companies use embryonic stem cells to create taste buds to test flavors and when people heard about it they started losing their shit over it. the cells are from 1973 and they only took them once, all the scientists do is clone them, but do the pro-life idiots understand that? no.

as for agw? educate yourself on what it is then look at the evidence, you need to learn what it is before passing judgement.

Comment Re:Hunting... (Score -1) 386

Why is that a problem? So Microsoft (and Apple too, btw) are transitioning away from a general-purpose OS and towards an entertainment platform for rent. Windows and OS X are on a convergent evolutionary path with whatever runs on playstations and game spheres. They are becoming closed, restricted systems which you cannot open without voiding the warranty, tethered to the mothership, with their functionality carefully trimmed, and the application market moated off from the real world. I, for one, don't give a rat's ass. I don't use their software, and I won't buy their hardware. It's not like hardware manufacturers will stop making computers that can run Linux: the demand is massive, and it keeps rising. Even squares like Dell will sell you laptops, workstations, and servers with Ubuntu preinstalled, through their small (and up) business portal. And then you have people like these (I cannot endorse these vendors since I never used them.). I say, let them do it: let Microsoft write themselves out of the productivity market and into the abject irrelevance of Web-based cinema and games.

you are missing the point. if this is allowed to happen, there is a potential for microsoft to strongarm OEM and computer manufacturers to only ALLOW windows to be installed. what this means is that you can't just go out and buy a cheap laptop and slap linux on it like you can now, you won't be able to do so, since the new boot system won't let you install it. this isn't about buying a computer with linux on it, this is about buying any computer with windows on it already and not being able to install linux on it if you so desire too. i think you need to go recheck the demand for linux pre-installed, because the demand really is tiny, if it is so massive, why does dell only have a few pcs that have it? you know it doesn't seem all that impressive gushing about how the demand is massive and even dell is doing it when you can count the number of models with linux on them one one hand. micriosoft will write themselves out when it comes to people that give a damn about whether or not they can install linux on a random dell model they bought. most people don't care, i do because i don't want to be forced out of having a choice, most people won't even know they are in the first place.

Comment insane! (Score -1) 199

so is this under the DW label or movies made by DW? at 30 million dollars, that is close to 2 billion netflix is paying out, at least if we just count the 60 movies DW has made. that is insane! the only thing i can think of is that these companies are so against the movie viewers ability to choose that they bottleneck it on purpose.

Comment Re:Equally Smackable (Score -1) 344

the reason culture is like that is just the same reason as it has been forever. a man who hits women is looked at as weak, since he is hitting someone who is weaker than them(note that men are on average stronger than women) same with hitting kids, it is taboo because it makes the man look weak to others. at least that seems to be the real reason, other than say not causing others pain..

Universities Collaborate On Air-Purifying Dress 58

ecouterran writes "From the ecouterre article: 'We have dresses to impress, for success, even to kill, but "Herself" must be the first drapery number to clear the air. A collaboration between the University of Sheffield, London College of Fashion, and the University of Ulster, the sweeping gown is part of a larger project to engage the public in the science of environmental pollution. "Catalytic Clothing" explores how textiles can improve ambient quality, and the self-described textile sculpture, is the first prototype to emerge. Highly experimental, according to the designers, "Herself" is designed to illustrate how fabrics can eliminate pollutants so we can "breathe more beautifully."'"
First Person Shooters (Games)

Gamer Plays Doom For the First Time 362

sfraggle writes "Kotaku has an interesting review of Doom (the original!) by Stephen Totilo, a gamer and FPS player who, until a few days ago, had gone through the game's 17-year history without playing it. He describes some of his first impressions, the surprises that he encountered, and how the game compares to modern FPSes. Quoting: 'Virtual shotgun armed, I was finally going to play Doom for real. A second later, I understood the allure the video game weapon has had. In Doom the shotgun feels mighty, at least partially I believe because they make first-timers like me wait for it. The creators make us sweat until we have it in hand. But once we have the shotgun, its big shots and its slow, fetishized reload are the floored-accelerator-pedal stuff of macho fantasy. The shotgun is, in all senses, instant puberty, which is to say, delicately, that to obtain it is to have the assumed added potency that a boy believes a man possesses vis a vis a world on which he'd like to have some impact. The shotgun is the punch in the face the once-scrawny boy on the beach gives the bully when he returns a muscled linebacker.'"

Comment Re:They'd have to sell XP if it weren't for monopo (Score -1) 203

the irony of your post is amazing, you bash windows 7 and praise windows xp? then bash microsoft? what are you, retarded? windows 7 is better than vista, calling it a "rebrand" is pure ignorance on your part, its obvious you have never used it, so why should we fucking care what you have to say about it? only faggots use numbers in words like it means something.

Comment Re:Sacrificing privacy for games? (Score -1) 336

And like someone else already mentioned: This "option" can be used by everybody, hence the playing field _is_ level.

are you serious? please pick your favorite sport/game to watch/play and let my give you an example of why you are full of it.

wait what? in a story about computer gaming where a few people pointed out (tongue firmly in cheek) that the player field is level for everyone, you ask them about real life sports? oh come on, talk about grasping at straws, real life sports can't be compared to gaming, they have very few mechanics alike. i think its a silly argument to make about cheating in games, but yes it is true, if everyone cheated the field would be level. then it would be diablo all over again and that ruined the game.

Role Playing (Games)

Genre Wars — the Downside of the RPG Takeover 248

Phaethon360 writes "From Bioshock and Modern Warfare 2 to even Team Fortress 2, RPG elements are creeping into game genres that we never imagined they would. This change for the most part has managed to subtly improve upon genres that needed new life, but there's a cost that hasn't been tallied by the majority of game developers. 'The simple act of removing mod tools, along with the much discussed dedicated server issue, has made [MW2] a bit of a joke among competitive players. Gone are the days of "promod," and the only option you have is to play it their way. If Infinity Ward are so insistent on improving the variety of our experiences, they don’t have to do it at the expense of the experience that many of us already love. It really is that simple. If they don’t want to provide a good "back to basics experience," they could at least continue to provide the tools that allow us to do that for ourselves.'"

Comment Re:How does it work? (Score 1) 202

from a youtube video i watched it appears you... 1)jailbreak 1)install cydia 2)add all repositories 3)find and install installous 4)you now have access to pretty much every app, browses very similar to app store just a whole lot slower you can also download them to your pc, and sync with itunes

5) ??? 6) Profit? sorry, just couldn't help myself :)


City of Heroes Sr. Designer Talks Architect System 56

Kheldon writes "The MMO Gamer sits down with Joe Morrissey, a Senior Designer at Paragon Studios, to discuss the inspiration behind, and current implementation of, the Architect user-generated content system in City of Heroes. Quoting: 'Really for me, wanting tools so the rest of the team could actually come up with content was the idea. Because we have a lot of guys on the team that are hardcore players, they play the game all the time. Then they come to me like, "I’ve got this idea for this story, we should really do this arc with this guy!" And I’m like, "That’s great. I haven’t got time to do it. I’ve got plenty of other story arcs to work on." But, if we made the tools easy enough, then they could actually come up with the arcs, and we can put them out. Then somewhere along that road it dawned on me: Why stop with the rest of the team?'"

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