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Comment Re:OP vs Reality (Score 1) 112

Bullshit. I work for a telco that is doing exactly that in an extremely rural population, and other rural telcos in our region are already 100% done with their deployments. To all their customers! Wireless is a joke for professional WAN use (ISP, telco, cellular backhaul, etc.) no matter what the US cellular industry says. Upkeep is minimal compared to antenna systems and power requirements for those installations. Curious why you posted your crap AC, if you truly belive what you say and aren't just a troll.

Comment Re:Weather is NOT climate (Score 1) 567

Is the real, raw data even available to the public? From any type of research? I don't know, I am genuinely curious... I thought a lot of that was proprietary info and not generally available.

And my cynical, paranoid side agrees with your fear, especially with GCC data: that it's been "cleaned". "Trust us! We're the professionals!"

Comment Re:Weather is NOT climate (Score 1) 567

You are perfectly right... I will not do my own analysis, and that is truly because I am not qualified. I fully admit that. However, I also do not believe that those who are doing it are qualified either, based on the horrible data that they are espousing.

There are very many proven cases of improper baseline issues, poorly collected data, actual changing of raw data, and use of data without adjusting for local environmental changes. This is known but ignored (and even worse, denied) by pro-GCC pundits. It is simply a huge money pit, and there are those who are profiting heavily in both the scientific community and the money-providing foundations. It's all about money. Everything is about money.

Oh, and there is no mud slinging here... As I stated in my previous post, it's bullshit that's being slung.

Comment Re:Weather is NOT climate (Score 1) 567

Climate is not weather but the statistical analysis of weather.

And right there is where the bullshit starts gettin' slung. In the right hands, a good statistician can prove anything with statistics. Which is why you see, so often, GCC graphs that have arbitrary X and Y axis bases, making the change much more marked than in reality.

Which then makes those charts suspect, which throws suspicion not only on the particular researcher who is giving out flawed interpretations, but also on the entire idea of climate change. Meaning, bullshit.

EVERYONE also believed in eugenics, in the beginning of the 20th century. It was a scientifically proven concept, that EVERYONE could see the value of. Those who didn't were called crackpots and ostriches. Don't give me the BS about how EVERYONE agrees about GCC. It's a really good money maker right now, and is happily filling lots of scientific coffers. Everything in this world is based on money, and it's financially profitable to PROVE aspects of GCC right now. So, therefore, it's all suspect.

Comment Re:Fortunately, it will be banned! (Score 1) 72

I have copyrighted the term "gorilla computing". Your "geurilla computing" is much too close auditorily to my copyrighted term that I forbid you to use it in any commercial or non-commercial way, without paying me for the use of it of course. Anything for a dollar, or any other recognized form of payment, including but not limited to bitcoin, Galactic Credit Standard and gold-pressed latinum.

Comment Re:Let them drink! (Score 1) 532

My Mother in law cost over 600 thousand dollars the las two years of her life.

...I've visited a number of nursing homes, where people are racking up astounding amounts of money in medicare.

And this practice is what keeps the economy running and why the nanny state is flourishing, getting rid of all those bad things. Your mother was a bad influence on the economy, because she did harmful things to her body and then expired in a blaze of glory. But did not help the economy as much as your mother-in-law. I am sure your mother did not spend 600 grand in smokes and booze in her last two years.

Remember, it's all about the Benjamins. Everything is about the Benjamins. Everything. Including health care, scientific research, everything. I know that's a cynical view, but if you don't believe it, you should work at your job for free for the next year.

Comment Re:Too Big to Be Indicted... (Score 1) 245

And you can bet they cherry pick their data so that they have ten years worth of people's email and Slashdot posts, but suddenly when a lawsuit comes along, suddenly that data vanishes. But then it becomes vital to an investigation! "Oh look, we found it again!"

Much like law enforcement dashcam video/audio...

Comment Re:Think harder Rick (Score 1) 398

No kidding.

Grow some spine and some thicker skin America, you're turning into the wimps of the "free" world...

Amen. "Free Speech" and "Racism" (in speech!) seem to me to be a contradiction in terms. Americans seem to be losing the sense of value of free speech, trying to appease and prevent "hurt feelings".

I am in no way supporting someone being discriminated against (Rosa Parks style). We have come a VERY long way down that road, to the point where I believe that the pendulum has swung past the apex and is now getting to the point of opression of the "majority" (in many, many senses of the word: not just skin color). We are becoming a society that applauds mediocrity and diversity to the detriment of those who excel.

I think, though, that this is a natural path, and that there will be a correction in the future. How far into the future? I have absolutely no idea.

There are more acts that are vastly more heinous than "earning money ... by benefiting from racism" (as silly as that phrase sounds). Someone else has mentioned kiddie porn and sex slave trade, to name a couple, so I am not going any further here. This is not heinous. And the "powers that be" (ie: NAACP et al) had no problems with his attitude until this was illegally brought in to the public spotlight so radically and in such an out-of-context manner by the shock-and-awe seeking group we still call "journalists".


Ah! But that would defeat the purpose of the war on drugs! See, the "War On Drugs" is a funding initiative for our police forces in the US. It really has nothing to do with STOPPING the (import, distribution, sale, use) of illegal drugs, because that would defeat the funding initiative purpose. This article actually has NOTHING to do with the WOD, because there were no illegal or street drugs involved. This is a story about ARMED ROBBERY of a pharmacy, which typically does not peddle in illegal or street drugs, and the successful tracking and confrontation of the armed robber. I hope you realize that I am being somewhat sarcastic here... I actually agree with you, that the WOD should be a program designed to "cure" the end-user (victim?) and kill the ilicit drug business from that direction. It has been proven that this method works, but the WOD is just too much of a cash cow for the law enforcement community to give up.

Comment Re:Better service though... (Score 1) 286

And they will end up just like the "other" studio owners... You don't think they'll raise their prices? I'd love to live in your universe. Greed infects us all. Netflix is a business just like any other business. Money is the only reason businesses exist, and if they can make a dollar more off of you than they did last week they will.

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