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Comment Re:Something with a future? (Score 0) 351

Cargo Cult Microsoft?

They look at what the competition are doing and try hard to emulate
it, but just don't 'get it'

And by releasing all of this hardware they MUST be pissing off their
hardware partners who are allegedly Microsoft's real customers, and
that can only hasten their adoption of competing OS's like Android.

Comment Re:firefox is getting old (Score 0, Troll) 473

I laugh at Microsoft being forced to improve its support of a technology that can only
help its competitors more than itself. Really, better Javascript support is not core to MS
product lines in any way, and can only help trying to build a Web-centric app world
(e.g. Google Office).

But I'm sure they won't cede the future to others that easily.

Comment Re:Malware detection is Bogus. (Score 1) 410

I like this idea. Just this one extra step would put the onus of action on the users enough that they
would not only pause to think, but actively associate any malware infection with their direct actions (possibly).

Rename downloaded EXE's to .web and put up a dialog with an accept button that say 'I know the Risks' when
they try to rename it/make it executable.

Could make a difference ...

Comment Survey (Score 1) 105

Can somebody do a survey of all of these infected machines and check what OS
version they're running?

If there's a growing number of Vista and Win 7 machines then someone should
get back to MS and let them know whatever they're doing ain't working.

With all of these security initiatives I'd have thought botnets would have been a shrinking
problem - not something that was a growth industry as this article seems to indicate.

Comment Re:Apache and a threading framework (Score 1) 342

>IOW, with GCD you do not need to configure every application how much threads it should start.

You seem pretty hung up on this issue, but in reality most apps can configure themselves without the need for users ever dinking with the settings. A good algorithm that I've used is create threads in the pool 2 * the number of cores available and have the app expand dynamically to 4 * the number of available cores when really busy. When idle, the thread pool then shrinks to the original computed low-water mark again.

This works fairly well and means users never have to configure anything, and it will scale up to however many cores your system has available without the user ever having to worry about it.

But I take your point that an OS managed thread pool will manage OS resources much better, instead we have a situation now where multiple apps all have their own pools and most likely there are loads of threads per process doing absolutely no useful work.

Also interesting to see in GCD is the two different types of queues, serial and parallel, with the serial queues potentially greatly reducing the number of locks an app might have to manage.

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