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Comment Re:Take over (Score 1) 156

"The only shares I own" ... are of my own company? That's the worst possible situation if your company...

You seem to have chosen to ignore one key word; I wrote "The only shares I own directly..."

I have a fairly diverse portfolio thanks, consisting of stock mutual funds, money market funds, bank CDs, and cash. My ESPP shares are a small -- very small -- percentage of my total investments.

And my company is a Fortune 500 company. While it's not unheard of, it's pretty unlikey it's going to run aground, especially with $11B in cash. As you alluded, the same may not be true of other companies.

So, while your advice is okay in the general sense, I'd put it in about the same general category as "buy low, sell high." ;-)

Comment Re:Take over (Score 4, Insightful) 156

You jest!

The only shares I own directly are in my ESPP. My company has about 2B shares outstanding and I currently own about 4000. My company also has about $11B in cash last I heard.

If they cared about shareholders they'd be using that cash to pay dividends, or buying shares back -- more agressively than they claim to be -- to raise the share price.


Comment Re:Heh (Score 1) 431

I was under the impression that it was the government's job to protect our rights.

If that were the case, no one would have ever thought we needed a Constitution. Or a Bill or Rights.

Government provides services: defense, build roads, educate, explore space, etc.

We in this case means Americans, i.e. U.S. Citizens.

Comment Re:wired? Don't bother. (Score 1) 330

I guess it's snarky day here on /. and ad hominem attacks are part of the culture anyway.

In that vein, altruism and $1.78 gets me a coffee at Starbucks.

The carbon footprint of me continuing to drive my existing car -- no, it's not a Chevy Suburban -- is much lower than me replacing it with a Prius out of some misguided altruism.

Comment Re:I'm ignorant (Score 1) 206

Local radio and opportunities for niche programming are disappearing.

Dr. Demento was syndicated, not local. He is definately niche.

He wasn't always syndicated.

I used to listen to his (four hour) show on KMET 94.7 in Los Angeles in the 70s. Went to see one of his live shows broadcast from Los Angeles Pierce College once too.

Dang I'm old.


Pacific Northwest At Risk For Mega-Earthquake 457

Hugh Pickens writes "Science Daily Headlines reports on research by Oregon State University marine geologist Chris Goldfinger showing that earthquakes of magnitude 8.2 (or higher) have occurred 41 times during the past 10,000 years in the Pacific Northwest. By extrapolation, there is a 37% chance of another major earthquake in the area in the next 50 years that could exceed the power of recent seismic events in Chile and Haiti. If a magnitude-9 quake does strike the Cascadia Subduction Zone, extending from northern Vancouver Island to northern California, the ground could shake for several minutes, highways could be torn to pieces, bridges might collapse, and buildings would be damaged or even crumble. If the epicenter is just offshore, coastal residents could have as little as 15 minutes of warning before a tsunami could strike. 'It is not a question of if a major earthquake will strike,' says Goldfinger, 'it is a matter of when. And the "when" is looking like it may not be that far in the future.'" Read below for more.

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