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Comment Re:side effect (Score 2, Insightful) 261

I'd go out on a limb and say it's not clear we need malaria-proof anything.

Spraying -- since the end of the civil war in Mozambique -- and distributing treated mosquito nets has greatly reduced Malaria in Mozambique and the lowveld regions of South Africa. Malaria was eliminated in Europe and the US without malaria-proof mosquitoes. (Remember that nasty DDT? It was intended solely for spraying the inside walls of houses in the south. Farmers saw how well it worked and started spraying it on their crops, and the rest is history.)

Comment Re:Unit conversions (Score 2) 185

Wow, the British are the weird ones, here! Lets do some exercises:

Exercise 1: What is the area of a triangle with a base of 3m and height of 5m?

Mathematically: (3 * 5) / 2 = 7.5

American: That's 7.5 meters squared

Let me fix this for you:

      That's 7.5 square meters.

British: That's sqrt(7.5) square meters?????

WTF? No, they'd say the same thing we'd say.

Comment Re:Unit conversions (Score 1) 185

However, most non-scientific things are still displayed in imperial and their sizes fit imperial units (construction materials, household items, baking). Ounces, cups, gallons, 1/4'', feet, yard, etc, are all seen daily by even the starving artist who failed algebra 1.

I think you need to go look at a can of stewed tomatoes or a box of cake mix or a bottle of Coca Cola.

100% of all commercial goods sold in the US have both metric and "US customary system" measurements. No, it's not "Imperial". US fluid measurements are not the same as English/Imperial fluid measurements that use the same names, e.g. gallon, quart, pint.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Internet 92

MMBK writes "Our friends at JESS3 have unveiled The Ex-Blocker. It's a Firefox and Chrome plugin that erases all name and likeness of your ex from the Internet, even if they become a meme, or the president. You'll no longer have to threaten to delete your Facebook account or concoct an elaborate e-hoax to assuage the reality-shattering complications that are born from break-ups. Simply construct an Internet that omits bad vibes all together."

Comment Re:Comprehension and hunger to achieve sth (Score 1) 571

And those were creative activities?

I had a garden, I grew corn too. If I had stayed in South Africa I would have had to slaughter a chicken and cook it to get the scout Master Cooking badge. Instead I came back to the US where I only had to shop at the grocery store to get the Cooking merit badge. (And before some twit weighs in, there's actually quite a bit more to get the badge.)

My children helped in our garden, my children were in scouts too; I don't see slaughtering chickens (to eat) as the same kind of creative activity as building and making things.

My son and his friends were more inclined to destroy things. When he reached a certain age I sat him down and told him "If you have so much energy, go build something; but the next time you break something, the cost of the repair or replacement will come out of your pocket, not mine."

Comment Re:Play time? (Score 3, Insightful) 571

Also, they almost fired me on my first day because I didn't wear the uniform they didn't give me yet.

This sort of stupidity occurs all over the place.

Case in point---

One day not too long ago I arrived at work at 7:15 or so and parked my car. During the day a sign was installed in front of my car indicating that the spot was "Reserved for $product MVP of the month."

At the end of the day when I left to go home I found a note on my windshield from some asshat telling me not to park in the MVP reserved spot.

The coward didn't have the nerve to sign their note, so I didn't get the satisfaction of moving the sign in front of their car and leaving a similar note for them.

Comment Re:Comprehension and hunger to achieve sth (Score 2, Insightful) 571

I grew up with toy bricks (not Lego), Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, Erector (Meccano) Sets, chemistry sets, electronic kits, etc.

My own children were given much of the same things; but chemistry sets and electronic kits don't exist any more.

As a child I took toys apart and put them back together, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. I built forts in the neighboring empty lots and fields. I went on all day exploratory bike rides. In junior high and high school I had wood/metal/electronics/print shop classes. As a teenager I learned how to repair my car myself rather than take it to a mechanic.

I don't think my own children have ever taken anything apart. They never built forts, they never went exploring in the nearby conservation land. Their middle school and high school don't offer any shop classes. Even though I've shown them how, things like checking the oil and changing brake pads is an alien concept.

The world is a different place. I don't think it bodes well.

Comment Re:Bob Muglia == creepy (Score 2, Insightful) 775

Creepy? No

I was going post a comment with that quote as the context.

I'm wondering what exactly they mean though. My children went through high school and went through or are going through college using Microsoft products -- but it's Word mainly and some Excel.

I wonder how they could have failed to 'access [the] "kids,"' except perhaps by deliberately ignoring them.

I develop for Unix/Linux and most of the recent college grads I encounter certainly don't know Unix/Linux! So what do they use in college then? One can only wonder.

Comment Re:Take over (Score 1) 156

"The only shares I own" ... are of my own company? That's the worst possible situation if your company...

You seem to have chosen to ignore one key word; I wrote "The only shares I own directly..."

I have a fairly diverse portfolio thanks, consisting of stock mutual funds, money market funds, bank CDs, and cash. My ESPP shares are a small -- very small -- percentage of my total investments.

And my company is a Fortune 500 company. While it's not unheard of, it's pretty unlikey it's going to run aground, especially with $11B in cash. As you alluded, the same may not be true of other companies.

So, while your advice is okay in the general sense, I'd put it in about the same general category as "buy low, sell high." ;-)

Comment Re:Take over (Score 4, Insightful) 156

You jest!

The only shares I own directly are in my ESPP. My company has about 2B shares outstanding and I currently own about 4000. My company also has about $11B in cash last I heard.

If they cared about shareholders they'd be using that cash to pay dividends, or buying shares back -- more agressively than they claim to be -- to raise the share price.


Comment Re:Heh (Score 1) 431

I was under the impression that it was the government's job to protect our rights.

If that were the case, no one would have ever thought we needed a Constitution. Or a Bill or Rights.

Government provides services: defense, build roads, educate, explore space, etc.

We in this case means Americans, i.e. U.S. Citizens.

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