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Comment Re:Let me see. (Score 1) 1186

well, it's a fad that comes and goes, I got mine in the early 90's, when people said 'oh you'll regrett that, it's only a fad', still love it to this day.

people have been tattooing themselves for centuries so I doubt it's going anywhere soon. Of course, one should think it through befoer going and getting tattooed.


Newly Discovered Bacteria Could Aid Oil Cleanup 167

suraj.sun passes along news from Oregon State University, where researchers have discovered a new strain of bacteria that may be able to aid cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico. The bacteria "can produce non-toxic, comparatively inexpensive 'rhamnolipids,' and effectively help degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs — environmental pollutants that are one of the most harmful aspects of oil spills. Because of its unique characteristics, this new bacterial strain could be of considerable value in the long-term cleanup of the massive Gulf Coast oil spill, scientists say." In related news, Kevin Costner's centrifugal separator technology has gotten approval for deployment; now it is only waiting on funding from BP.

Comment Re:1st step in something useful for deep explorati (Score 1) 284

Somebody will probably point out that if you could focus all the sunlight that falls on a small town, you could make a hostile spacecraft very uncomfortable, though you couldn't get them any hotter than the surface of the Sun.

Hmmm , reminds me of the book "The Mote in GOd's eye", where there is a ship with a solar sail using the sail to focus beams of light as a defence mechanism on another ship trying to investigate it.'s_Eye

Comment Re:But the UK is not within US jurisdiction (Score 3, Insightful) 452

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they're not *required* to extradite him, but if UK don't send him over, then the risk is that US will flick UK the bird next time UK wants someone extradited.

Countries also have deals where they promise to send over anyone the other country believes to have committed a crime (within reason I suppose).

That's why all british gangsters went to Spain back in the day, spain refused to extradite anyone from Spain to UK due to tensions over Gibraltar

Comment Re:Medium well. (Score 1) 763

Well, islam is not supposed to have any other deities, etc than god/allah himself, so basically Muhammed was just a normal guy like you and me, although he got to speak with god or something. Never understood this islam cult of muhammed, is this a new thing? All seems a bit like catholism to me with all their saints, etc


Can World's Largest Laser Zap Earth's Energy Woes? 372 writes "Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory plan on using a laser the size of three football fields to set off a nuclear reaction so intense that it will make a star bloom on the surface of the Earth. If they're successful, the scientists hope to solve the global energy crisis by harnessing the energy generated by the mini-star."

Comment Re:Trolls. Everywhere. (Score 1) 344

I agree that the planet itself in not in trouble. However the current ecosystem is in a bit of peril, some say that we're currently living through the 6 great extinction of earth, but iirc the jury is still out on that one.
Anyway, nothing like a global spring cleaning once in a while! ;-)

Comment Re:Anywhere on earth in 2 hours (Score 1) 145

well, it's far less cold than it used to be, despite the letest rattlings from russia. US and russia now sogned another agreement to get rid of some of their stockpile. I think russia and US are quite-ish happy with the current status quo.
Why shake the bees nest by creating am orbiting nuke? By doing that US basically tells the world it's not giving a damn about the treaties they agrees to and all hell will be breaking lose (russian, china, etc all putting nukes in LEO, seeling nukes to countries that should not have it, etc, etc)
Especially as mentined elsewhere, they already pretty much have this cabability with subs.

They might use it with things like a MOAB is similar but bigger in there, packs quite a punch as well

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