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Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Why is there no room for atheism in RPGs? ( 1

mr_sifter writes: Religion plays a big part in Bioware's latest and greatest RPG, Dragon Age; whether you’re helping rogue mages resist religious persecution or collecting ancient texts for Chantry scholars, the religion of Andastre and the Maker is pretty much unavoidable – but unlike magic, which is definitely real, the Maker is an indirect presence. Why then can your character not chose to believe there is no god and that religion is superstition and miracles coincidence? If the game has room for priests, elves, mages and golems then why doesn’t it have room for scientists and sceptics too?

Comment Re: Not true for me (Score -1) 129

I have an Intel T8100 and a 8600M GT in my laptop. I tried badaboom (GPU) and Any Video Converter (CPU, multithreaded). The CPU based software encodes x264 faster, and has more features than badaboom. So what you say is not true for mid level GPUs. Also, I am more comfortable running my CPUs at 95C than my GPU, due to better reliability.

Comment Re:Hardly premature. (Score -1) 184

Great, I was blocked from responding for 24 hours because this thread took my karma to terrible (Nokia fans are crazy motherfuckers, apparently).

I was referring to the N900. The 5800 is hardly competition for Android or iPhone.

Many people come back to overall market share point and claim Nokia is selling a lot. But Nokia is no more a contender in the top end and it does not make the best phones any more. That's the point I have been trying to make. As for your last part unless you're a brochure shopper anyone will tell you that Apple/ Android phones does a lot more than "one thing" better than Nokia.

And fwiw where did I "tout" Apple? iOS or almost any Android device 1.6 onwards is a far better than anything from Nokia. The other manufacturers accepted it and adopted Apple. Nokia screwed themselves. That's all I have to say on this matter.

Comment Re:Hardly premature. (Score -1, Troll) 184

So advanced that it doesn't have call type separation? That it has an unresponsive touch screen? that it had to include a stylus?

The *only* good thing I see in the n900 is support for xvid/divx.

BTW there are many slide out keyboard phones, none weigh 180g. N900 is just linux plus phone. Not really usable unless you jack off to terminal.

Comment Re:Very pleased (Score 0, Troll) 184

Sounds like a lot of excuses on the behalf of a product that doesn't cut it. Just cause root is unlocked doesn't make the product great.

Your point about specialized phones would be valid if nokia had some other mass market maemo devices (in addition to N900), which it does not.

BTW, the n900 has sold far from 1 mil, more like 100,000. Even the geeks have jailbroken iPhones and Android phones- why? Cause they're better, more complete products with a thriving eco system around them.

Comment Re:Very pleased (Score 0, Troll) 184

There's no app store because it's a new platform. This will in all probability change when Symbian becomes mid-range and Meego becomes top-range and both use QT for the GUI.

It's unpolished because it's a new platform yet the nerds still wanted to beta test it in their thousands and the platform was later tidied up for mass consumption. I assume we've forgotten Android 1.0?

Android 1.0 failed cause it was not good. Just like the N900.

Comment Re:Hardly premature. (Score 0) 184

You seem to be a particularly blinded nokia fan so ok, I'll humor you by replying. Nokia used to be the leader in smart phones till the iphone was launched. If you wanted the best OR most expensive phone, it was a nokia. Now, every manufacturer makes better phones than nokia. They are pushed into the poor man's smart phone segment, and for the past 3 years, they have done nothing to respond. Releasing a 180g brick that doesn't even have UI in portrait mode and barely sold doesn't count. So now, everyone knows Nokia is a smart phone you got cause you couldn't afford better- simple as that.

You talk a lot about history, but it doesn't count in the technology industry. People change their phones every 1-2 yrs and Nokia has done nothing good in the last 3.

Comment Re:IE9 and WebM (Score 1) 181

It does not seem to be having any impact currently even if it gets built in. Youtube still asks for flash unless you explicitly ask for the webm or H264 version. It would be trivial to detect the browser agent and accordingly send in H264/webm if supported, but no, flash is still used.

This problem is only getting worse with chrome integrating flash and even pdf. With such behavior can you realistically tell me that browsers are the reason why google is not ditching flash? No, there are other factors involved.

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