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Comment Re:Depends on your society's norms (Score 0) 1199

In some societies, the concept that we are our brothers' keeper is very strong.

OT: That god character wasn't angry at Cain for not being his "brother's keeper," god was pissed because Cain flat fucking lied to an omniscient being. Double or nothing in a modern fairy tale: Cain would say "He's fucking dead because I was jealous." That god character would be all like "Dude, you kind of suck at yo job. That's why I was being so hard on you. Maybe you should pick a different profession. Also, get fuck out of the garden. How hard is it not to kill people?"
Anyways, I would like it if people quit using that phrase to mean "I need control of your life. Now shut the fuck up and give me a urine sample."
I think I've had too much coffee.

Comment The language is what drives the debate in the U.S. (Score 1) 804

Most religious folks with which I have spoken seem only to care that the LGBT community does not get to call it marriage because to them marriage is a religious term. The LGBT community wants nothing to do with the religious definition and only wants the privileges the state bestows to H couples. I think a lot of religious types think the LGBT is trying to subvert their religion by using the term marriage.

I see two solutions to this issue.

  • Abolish 'marriage' by the state and go straight to contracts. Open the contracts up to polygamy as well.
  • Have the state perform civil unions and have religious organizations perform marriages. Although, a marriage would mean nothing in the eyes of the state.

Comment Re:Public option (Score 1) 2416

The profit motive works fine, but the current incentives for profit are mis-aligned against the consumer (you). Most consumers have a third party (your employer) paying their medical bills. The consumer now only worries about the co-pay, instead of the actual cost. Third parties receive large tax breaks for large policies. The product provider ( insurance companies) caters only to the third party, wether the consumer gets qaulity service is no longer the provider's concern. The provider is now only concerned with appeasing the third party. Costs now will never decrease because microtransactions (procedure costs) are no longer being negotiated by the actual consumer with the product provider. I offer lasik as example of the consumer cutting the cost of a microtransaction.

I think the key to good healthcare reform is to slowly decouple the employed/heathcare link. Unfortunately, the PPACA only increases this unnatural market link and bring the consumer back in the loop.

Comment Re:A Pointless Anecdote (Score 1) 371

But as for friends, don't waste your time. Lead by example is all that will work -- and it'll only work with some. I have several older friends who swear absolutely that we have enough oil in the U.S. to run this country for the next two centuries at least, with gas prices never rising about about $2.50 / gallon. If only the gov't would get out of the way...

OT: I have a friend who lives in St. Louis and will only recycle once the city of St. Louis lowers it's murder rate. He just wants the random murder rate lowered. Getting murdered affects his long term outlook more than making sure he recycles.

Comment Re:Can't Have your Pi and Eat it Too (Score 3, Insightful) 375

Tax money spent on government education has more than doubled on a per pupil basis in the last 30 years.

In K-12 education, no results have been seen since the customer, guardians, have no involvement in the pricing, i.e. tuition, pay. This leads to a lack of quality, since the customer is told to take the product, education, as is or pay an exorbitant amount of money, private schooling.

Colleges are a mess due to the ridiculous subsidizing that occurs with their customer. The more customers the college gets the more funding, government loans, the college gets. This drives prices skyward.

I'd say banning printing presses and burning books is in general a bad sign. Partially defunding schools without making alternatives available is worse than continuing to fund them. I say demonize the whole failed government education system. Teachers' unions are part of the failed government education system that perpetuates the ideas that only the government can educate children.

The government complains about plenty of things in which it's already heavily involved. The last thing those sectors need is the government to start helping.

Comment Make parents consumers again (Score 1) 479

The main issue with the public school system is the lack of feedback from the consumer. Taxes for schooling leaves the consumer, i.e. parents, out of the loop. Parents become complacent and in a lot of areas see schools as a daycare. If the parent's money is being spent, there will be a lot more interaction with the school and the child. An open voucher system would be a good way to hold schools accountable. This way the tax dollars would follow the student.

Is there lack of preschools where you live? Usually, the answer is no. Why? There are very few if any tax funded programs for preschools. This allows for a myriad of choices, i.e. price ranges, for consumers. Competing with another business is difficult. Competing with a business which has tax funding and offers the product for "free" is very difficult. The business which is not tax funded must show quality and charge an absorbent amount of money compete with free. Phasing out tax funded schooling would allow private school tuition to normalize over time.

Lastly, grin because you might think this is ridiculous, roll back some child labor laws and mandatory schooling laws. Some people just don't have what it takes to progress further than McDonalds. (Although, I was told at Occupy Portland that "Any one can be a doctor with enough schooling." This gem as well "A garbage man and a surgeon should be paid the same.") Some people also don't have to know more than grade school math and social facts to get through life. This might also open people up to having more children because all I see coming out of a womb is 15 years of my money, your money too if the kid goes to public school, going down the hole.

Comment Re:Our whole calendar is messed up. (Score 2) 225

I have been ranting about a 13 month year to my coworkers for about a year now. 12 months would have 28 days. The last month would have 29 days. Every leap year the last month would have 30 days. A lot of companies would be giving an extra day of vacation every four years.

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